droughts News

Investors Must Factor Climate Change in Their Portfolio Risk: Mercer Study

Most investors need to make a significant behavioral shift and start factoring climate change into their portfolio risk management, a study on its impact on financial market returns found. Government officials are meeting in Germany this month to work on …

El Niño Strengthens as Pacific Temperatures Show Same Trend as ’97-’98

The El Niño taking hold across the Pacific strengthened, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, citing indexes of sea-surfaces temperatures that showed the same trend for the first time since the event in 1997-1998. All five NINO indexes, averaged over …

China Faces Severe Threats From Climate Change: Beijing-Based Meteorologist

Chinese officials don’t usually go into detail on the challenges that climate change poses for the world’s most populous and largest carbon-emitting country. But in a speech on March 23, a top meteorologist warned of the severe risks facing China, …

UN’s Weather Agency Warns 2014 May Be Warmest on Record

Record high ocean temperatures will make 2014 the hottest year on record, or at least among the very warmest, in evidence of a long-term trend of global warming, the U.N.’s weather agency said on Wednesday. Including this year, 14 of …

New Study Says Ditch U.N. Temperature Target for Global Warming

A temperature goal set by almost 200 governments as the limit for global warming is a poor guide to the planet’s health and should be ditched, a study published in the journal Nature said on Wednesday. The world’s environment ministers …

UN: $2.5 Trillion in Global Disaster Losses Since 2000

Economic losses from disasters since 2000 are in the range of $2.5 trillion, a figure at least 50 percent higher than previous international estimates, according to a U.N. report. The U.N. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction warned in the 246-page …

Rains Wash Away U.S. Drought, Shifting Farm Economy’s Prospects

Torrential downpours across a broad swath of the U.S. Midwest this week are easing the worst drought in more than 50 years, flooding streams, snarling river transportation, stalling corn plantings – and changing the outlook for the American farm economy …

Report Questions Insurer Readiness, Attitudes on Climate Change

A report out Thursday that details responses to a climate change survey from insurers doing business in California, Washington and New York shows many insurers are prepared to deal with today’s extreme weather events, but not longer-term “baseline changes” driven …

Scientists Want Montana Climate Office Reopened To Help Farmers

State officials should approve and provide money to reopen a state climate office because new technologies could help crop producers track global competition as well as offer other advantages, scientists at the University of Montana say. A team of UM …

CPC Forecasts Weak El Niño for Northern Hemisphere Winter

The U.S. national weather forecaster still expects the much-feared El Niño phenomenon, which can wreak havoc on global weather, to remain weak into the Northern Hemisphere winter, even after its development slowed last month. In its monthly assessment, the Climate …