drugmaker liability News

Judge Dismisses 1,000 Shingles Vaccine Claims Against Merck for Lack of Evidence

After four years of multidistrict litigation, a federal judge in Pennsylvania has dismissed 1,189 lawsuits claiming the Zostavax shingles vaccine by drugmaker Merck did not do what it was supposed to do and instead caused them to suffer from shingles …

Ruling on Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy and Opioid Settlement Delayed Until Next Week

A U.S. judge said on Thursday he now anticipates a ruling on OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP’s bankruptcy reorganization plan on Wednesday of next week instead of this week because he needs more oral argument on certain issues. U.S. Bankruptcy …

West Virginia’s Billion-Dollar Trial Against Opioid Distributors Gets Underway

The three largest U.S. drug distributors, who are accused of helping fuel the opioid crisis that has resulted in nearly 500,000 overdose deaths in the United States, will defend themselves in a trial that kicks off on Monday. The trial …

U.S. Oversight Board Questions AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

AstraZeneca may have released outdated information on its latest COVID-19 vaccine trial, giving an “incomplete” picture of its efficacy, a leading U.S. health agency said on Tuesday, casting doubt on the shot’s potential U.S. rollout and plunging its developers, once …

Investor Sues Drugmaker Astrazeneca Over Coronavirus Vaccine Testing Claims

AstraZeneca PLC was sued by a pension fund on behalf of investors who it says suffered losses because of flaws in the company’s testing of its coronavirus vaccine. For much of last year, the Cambridge, England-based pharmaceutical company was touting …

Investor Suit Alleges Pharma Company Made False Claim of COVID-19 Vaccine

Pennsylvania-based Inovio Pharmaceuticals is the target of a planned class action lawsuit alleging it falsely claimed it has developed a vaccine for COVID-19 that would go into testing as soon as next month. But the pharmaceutical firm has said the …

Judge Cuts Johnson & Johnson Damages in Risperdal Case From $8 Billion to $6.8 Million

A Pennsylvania judge on Friday slashed to $6.8 million from $8 billion a punitive damages award against Johnson & Johnson to a man who said it failed to warn that boys using its antipsychotic drug Risperdal could grow breasts. Judge …

FDA Moving Quickly to Approve New Drugs. Is It Too Quickly?

The U.S. is approving new drugs so fast that companies are now preparing for a green light months in advance of the scheduled decision date, a pace that’s helping patients with rare or untreatable diseases but raising alarm among consumer …

After Avoiding Ohio Trial, Drug Firms Turn to Local Government Opioid Lawsuits

Four large drug companies could resume talks on Tuesday to try to reach a $48 billion settlement of all opioid litigation against them, after agreeing with two Ohio counties to a $260 million deal to avert the first federal trial …

Settling Opioid Suits Probably Won’t End the Crisis: Viewpoint

Imagine you’re the chief executive officer of a large pharmaceutical corporation with an important drug that’s under attack. More than 2,500 lawsuits have been filed against your company. The plaintiffs aren’t individuals, though, they’re governments โ€” counties, cities and states. …