drunk driving News

New South Carolina Law Requires Ignition Locks in More DUI Cases

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as signed into law a bill requiring more people convicted of driving under the influence to install a device that won’t let their vehicles start if the drivers have been drinking. The governor enacted what …

Family of Texas ‘Affluenza’ Teen to Pay Only Fraction of Rehab Fee

The family of a Texas teenager sentenced to probation after killing four people in a drunken-driving wreck will pay for just a fraction of his court-ordered treatment, a court official testified. Ethan Couch’s parents will be charged $1,170 a month …

Judge Rules Again: No Jail for Texas ‘Affluenza’ Teen in Fatal Car Wreck

A judge has ordered a Texas teenager who was sentenced to 10 years’ probation in a drunken-driving crash that killed four people to go to a rehabilitation facility paid for by his parents. Judge Jean Boyd on Feb. 5 again …

Family Sues Alaska Bar After Woman’s Death

The family of an Anchorage, Alaska woman who was killed in a traffic collision has filed a lawsuit against the bar where authorities say the driver charged in the death acknowledged drinking heavily before the crash. The lawsuit accuses Chilkoot …

Arizona DUIs Dropped In 2013

For the first time in a decade, the total number of DUIs in Arizona has dropped. That’s according to statistics from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, which coordinates a statewide task force targeting drunk drivers. Officers participating in the …

U.S., Automakers Pursue Drunk Driver Detection Systems

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has extended for five years its agreement with automakers to continue researching advanced alcohol detection technology that could prevent vehicles from being driven by a drunk driver. Under the partnership, …

Tougher Drunk Driving Laws on Way in Colorado

Colorado drunk driving laws are about to get tougher in 2014. Starting on Jan. 1, any Colorado driver who refuses a sobriety test will be branded a persistent drunk driver. If they want their driver’s license back under a one-year …

One-Fifth of Drinkers Admit Driving When Near or Over Alcohol Limit

A fifth of U.S. motorists who drink say they’ve driven at least once in the past year when they thought their alcohol level might’ve been close to the legal limit or above it, a safety group said. About 19.5 percent …

Northern California Man Sent To Prison After 8th DUI

A Northern California man has been sentenced to five years in prison following his eighth conviction for driving under the influence. The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported 34-year-old Barton Riley Shafer will also be unable to get a driver’s license …

Montana Woman Gets DUI Driving Daughter For Trick-Or-Treat

A Billings, Mont. woman is charged with drunken driving while taking her 13-year-old daughter and two friends Trick-or-Treating. The Billings Gazette reported 34-year-old Summer Breeze Merrill also is charged with three counts of felony child endangerment. She made an initial …