duty to defend lawsuit News

Illinois Court: Insurer Has ‘Duty to Defend’ in Biometric Information Privacy Case

The Illinois Supreme Court recently sided with a policyholder seeking defense from its insurer for a lawsuit brought by a customer of a tanning salon alleging the insured unlawfully disclosed the customer’s biometric information to a third party. In the …

Court: Travelers Insurer Off the Hook in Florida Hotel Chain Data Breach Suit

A U.S District Court in Florida’s ruling could have wide-reaching effects with respect to an insurer’s duty to defend commercial general liability policyholders in data breach cases resulting from the acts of third parties. The Sept. 28 decision came in …

No Duty to Defend in Ohio Molestation Claim Unless ‘Scope of the Allegations’ Test Met

Jodee Edwards had a home and auto insurance policy issued by insurer Encompass that excluded coverage for loss “arising out of sexual molestation, corporal punishment, or physical or mental abuse.” Edwards was sued in January 2016 for negligent supervision of …

Judge Seals Conversations in South Carolina Officer’s Lawsuit with Insurer

A former South Carolina police officer’s conversations with an insurance carrier after he was charged in the death of an unarmed black motorist have been sealed by a federal judge. The order issued by U.S. District Judge David Norton on …