e-cigarettes lawsuit News

Dangers of Disposable Vapes: Lithium Battery Fires, Plastic Waste and Health

Three fires broke out at the Grundon waste disposal plant near London’s Heathrow Airport in the past six months. In each case, the chief suspects were disposable vaping devices containing lithium batteries. Owen George, who leads recycling for Grundon, said …

E-Cigarette Maker Juul Labs Reaches Settlements With Approximately 10,000 Plaintiffs

E-cigarette maker Juul Labs on Tuesday said it has reached settlements with about 10,000 plaintiffs covering more than 5,000 cases in California. Juul did not disclose the settlement amount as part of the settlement and court process in the federal …

Kentucky School District to Sue Electronic Cigarette Makers

A Kentucky school district plans to sue electronic cigarette companies for creating what it says is an epidemic of nicotine addiction affecting student health and school learning environments. News outlets report the Bullitt County Board of Education announced Wednesday that …

E-Cigarette Maker Juul Pulled Into Tobacco Product Liability Case

A Florida state court judge ordered the co-founder of the e-cigarette maker Juul Labs Inc. to answer questions under oath in a case involving a woman suing the cigarette-maker Philip Morris USA. While Juul has challenged the judge’s order, it’s …

Lawsuits Targeting E-Cigarettes Increase Along with Death, Illness Reports

Several deaths and potentially hundreds of illnesses have been tied to e-cigarettes, which allow users to inhale nicotine vapor, often flavored, without smoking. Lawsuits have been filed against e-cigarette maker Juul and more are expected amid increasing scrutiny. The following …

Lawsuit Accuses E-Cigarette Makers of Targeting Kids, Deceiving Consumers

E-cigarette maker Juul Labs Inc. and Philip Morris USA Inc. were sued for illegally marketing nicotine-delivery devices to minors and deceiving consumers about the risks of vaping. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a 19-year-old, Christian Foss, who says …