E.coli News

Food Borne Illness Cases Present Complex Coverage Questions

One of the most heavily litigated insurance issues in coverage liability cases related to outbreaks of widespread food borne illnesses is the determination of occurrence where multiple people in multiple states are affected by a contaminant that seems to stem …

6 of 13 E. coli Cases in Missouri Linked to Single Farm

Six of Missouri’s 13 recent confirmed cases of E. coli have been linked to the consumption of unpasteurized milk or raw dairy products from a farm in Howard County although the source of the infection has not been confirmed, state …

Governors To Tour Nebraska Plant Where ‘Pink Slime’ Is Made

The leaders of at least four states plan a visit to the only place where a beef product known as “pink slime” is still made, an effort aimed to support its embattled manufacturer, a company spokesman said Tuesday. Texas Gov. …

Germany Says Beansprouts May be Cause of E.coli Infections

German-grown beansprouts could be the source of the deadly E.coli outbreak that has killed 22 people, made more than 2,000 ill and struck fear into consumers across Europe, officials said on Sunday. The Lower Saxony state agriculture minister, Gert Lindemann, …

Europe’s Lethal E.coli Strain May be Deadliest Yet

More than 1,600 people have been infected by a toxic strain of E.coli bacteria that has killed at least 17 and may be the deadliest yet in human history, health officials said on Friday. Germany is at the center of …

Russia Bans EU Vegetables Due to E.coli Fears

Russia banned imports of raw vegetables from the European Union on Thursday because of a deadly E.coli outbreak centered in Germany, Russian media cited the head of the consumer protection agency as saying. “A ban on the import of fresh …

Virulent German E.coli Outbreak Death Toll Rises

A virulent form of E.coli bacteria blamed on infected cucumbers from Spain has killed 13 people in Germany and sickened 300, health officials said on Sunday while warning people not to eat suspect vegetables. European health experts Saturday said the …