earnings News

Soft Market Isn’t Hard for Surplus Lines Industry, A.M. Best Reports

After a flat year in 2005, U.S. surplus lines premium volume rebounded in 2006 and carriers again posted strong underwriting results. In 2006, surplus lines carriers generally stuck to their guns on pricing in lines where standard carriers lowered theirs …

Study Claims ‘Perverse’ Incentives Causing U.S. Disability Costs to Soar

The number of workers receiving disability in the U.S. is growing so rapidly that these benefits are now the fastest rising component of Social Security spending — growing at nearly twice the rate of retirement benefits, according to a new …

P/C Insurers’ Underwriting Results, Profitability Slip in First-Half 2007

The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry’s overall profitability as measured by its annualized rate of return on average policyholders’ surplus (or statutory net worth) slipped to 13.1 percent in first-half 2007 from 13.5 percent in first-half 2006 as underwriting results deteriorated. …

News Currents

Wash. wants comp rate increase Washington’s Department of Labor and Industries has proposed raising workers’ compensation rates 3.2 percent in 2008, with the average premium increasing by just more than 2 cents per hour worked. L&I indicated the rate increase …

Thriving in today’s challenging insurance environment

The insurance industry has witnessed a reduction in the number of markets, agents and brokers, and overall industry personnel in the past 10 years. Meanwhile, many markets continue to soften, competition has increased with Internet direct sales, and there are …

Health premiums rise 6.1%; average family coverage costs $12,000

Premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of 6.1 percent in 2007, less than the 7.7 percent increase reported last year but still higher than the increase in workers’ wages (3.7 percent) or the overall inflation rate (2.6 percent), …

Catastrophes: There is no free lunch

Since the devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, some Florida politicians and a few insurers have claimed that the private insurance industry cannot pay for natural disaster losses without the support of a system of state and federal natural …

Catastrophes: There is no free lunch

Since the devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, some Florida politicians and a few insurers have claimed that the private insurance industry cannot pay for natural disaster losses without the support of a system of state and federal natural …

Health premiums rise 6.1%; average family coverage costs $12,000

Premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of 6.1 percent in 2007, less than the 7.7 percent increase reported last year but still higher than the increase in workers’ wages (3.7 percent) or the overall inflation rate (2.6 percent), …

Catastrophes: There is no free lunch

Since the devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, some Florida politicians and a few insurers have claimed that the private insurance industry cannot pay for natural disaster losses without the support of a system of state and federal natural …