Earthquakes News

A Nod to Dodd

Sen. Trent Lott, R- Miss., appears to have quieted down since his Hurricane Katrina claim has been settled, so perhaps people will start listening to other senators in Washington on property insurance and natural disaster legislation. Perhaps they will start …

From Lott to Dodd

Sen. Trent Lott, R- Miss., appears to have quieted down since his Hurricane Katrina claim has been settled, but other senators in Washington are making noise concerning property insurance and natural disaster legislation. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the …

A Nod to Dodd

Sen. Trent Lott, R- Miss., appears to have quieted down since his Hurricane Katrina claim has been settled, so perhaps people will start listening to other senators in Washington on property insurance and natural disaster legislation. Perhaps they will start …

Catastrophic Events Raise Business Interruption Coverage Questions

Considering the number of people who lived and worked in the area, the destruction of the World Trade Center complex was the functional equivalent of obliterating a small- to medium-sized city. Several recent and relatively recent events — the wildfires …

S&P Report Examines Calif. Earthquake Insurance

The Golden State got a jolt on Oct. 30 with a 5.6 magnitude earthquake just outside of San Jose. An article published by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, “Is California’s Earthquake Insurance Coverage On Shaky Ground?” said that although the …

Ratings Recap: PhilNaRe, Atlas IV Cat Bond, HSBC (Bermuda), Cunningham Lindsey

A.M. Best Co. has assigned a financial strength rating of ‘B++’ (Good) and an issuer credit rating of “bbb” to National Reinsurance Corporation of the Philippines (PhilNaRe) with a stable outlook. “The ratings reflect the company’s adequate risk-adjusted capitalization, established …

Lloyd’s Conference to Address Opportunities/Risks of Nanotechnology

The insurance industry is normally concerned with the very large – hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc.- but there’s increasing awareness that it should also be concerned about the very small. Nanotechnology is small indeed. A “nano” refers to one nano-meter, which …

Numbers of Mo. Homeowners Buying Earthquake Insurance Drops

The cost of earthquake insurance has gone up in Missouri, and the number of people buying it has gone down. Figures from the state Department of Insurance show that earthquake coverage was carried on fewer than 38 percent of the …

Ark. Revises Earthquake Coverage Reporting Form

The Arkansas Insurance Department has revised the form insurers use to report the extent of their earthquake coverage in the state. The information is needed by the Arkansas Earthquake Authority, which reviews the status of the Arkansas Voluntary Residential Earthquake …

Survey: 96 Million Households Lack Knowledge on Protecting Electronics

As the holiday shopping season unofficially kicks off this week, about 42 million American households plan to give or receive high-tech electronic products this year. However, about seven out of eight households don’t fully understand key aspects of their insurance …