Earthquakes News

P/C industry may be long overdue for massive losses from an extreme “great” earthquake

>Study says industry could suffer from a $100 million loss The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry is long overdue for heavy losses from a massive earthquake, reports A.M. Best in its recent “2006 Annual Earthquake Study.” It is likely that if …

The Commissioners Series: Ala.’s Bell, NAIC President, Pursues Strategic Plan

As president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Alabama Insurance Commissioner Walter Bell has made developing a strategic plan for the national organization of state regulators a top priority. Bell sees a plan that incorporates evaluations on a quarterly …

8 Calif. to examine broker disclosure, workers’ comp reform

Commissioner wants to fine-tune system to protect consumers 8 Agents, brokers set sight on political involvement Meeting with legislators helps them relate to insurance issues 9 West has highest number of “unacceptable” levees Corps of Engineers wants levee owners to …

News Currents

Calif. commissioner to examine broker disclosure, workers’ comp issues California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner may have three major priorities for his office — to make his office non-partisan, to fight insurance fraud and to prepare the state for the next …

Missouri – Dale Finke

Dale Finke, who recently retired, led the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration with honor during a time of transition, Gov. Matt Blunt said. Finke led the department over the last two years. During his tenure the …

P/C industry may be long overdue for massive losses from an extreme “great” earthquake

The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry is long overdue for heavy losses from a massive earthquake, reports A.M. Best in its recent “2006 Annual Earthquake Study.” It is likely that if an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude occurred in San Francisco today, …

8 Royal & Sun buyout approval expected

Plan receives backing from key player in Delaware 9 Tighter steering restrictions in Conn. Conn. AG seeks to fix auto body shop law 9 UNH calculates cyber attack threat Researchers gauge threats posed by hackers, terrorists, foreign nations 10 Risky …

Flood Insurance: FEMA resources offer better ways to serve clients

As we are well aware, flooding caused by hurricanes and tropical storms can wreak havoc along the Eastern Seaboard and Gulf Coast from June through November. What many fail to realize, however, is that flood risk is not limited to …

News Currents

Fla. pols to lobby Washington for national catastrophe fund But U.S. Rep. Feeney warns some are ‘overly optimistic’ and it will be a tough sell in Washington After the Florida Legislature passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the …

Commercial clients ‘swallow a bitter pill’ when it comes to cat coverage

When it comes to property catastrophe insurance coverage, many commercial clients are being forced to swallow a bitter pill in the form of steep prices, new limits on policies, higher deductibles and a shortage in the amount of coverage available …