Earthquakes News

News Currents

Fla. pols to lobby Washington for national catastrophe fund But U.S. Rep. Feeney warns some are ‘overly optimistic’ and it will be a tough sell in Washington After the Florida Legislature passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the …

Commercial clients ‘swallow a bitter pill’ when it comes to cat coverage

When it comes to property catastrophe insurance coverage, many commercial clients are being forced to swallow a bitter pill in the form of steep prices, new limits on policies, higher deductibles and a shortage in the amount of coverage available …

Kent Wholesale Offers DIC Earthquake and Flood Coverage

Kent Wholesale Insurance Brokers headquartered in Portland, Ore., is providing DIC including earthquake and flood coverage on admitted paper for Oregon and Washington risks. The product is rated in-house, and indications are provided immediately (bindable upon acceptable soil conditions). Minimum …

La. Officials Urge Federal Role in Hurricane Insurance

Louisiana state senators say they will ask Congress to have the federal government insure homes against hurricane damage, as it does for floods. “Y’all won’t sell it, so why not get the federal government to do it?” Sen. James David …

Small Earthquake Shakes Western Kentucky

A small earthquake along the New Madrid Fault shook two towns in far western Kentucky, but no injuries or damages were reported. The magnitude 2.9 quake, centered 3 miles northwest of Bardwell, was recorded at 5:47 p.m. CST last Wednesday, …

California Surplus Line Premiums Top $6 Billion

The Surplus Line Association of California (SLA) has released its analysis of annual filed premium, which indicates that $6.02 billion in California surplus line insurance premiums were processed in calendar year 2006. The figure represents 509,302 policies written, said Ted …

La.’s Blanco and Donelon Travel to Calif. for Outreach to Insurers

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco kicked off a three-day insurance outreach mission Jan. 29 in San Francisco, part of her continuing efforts to bring affordable insurance home to Louisiana, the governor’s office announced. “We in Louisiana have made great strides …

Fla. Pols Ready to Lead Lobbying Effort for National Catastrophe Fund

Now that the Florida Legislature has passed a bill that lawmakers say will address the state’s insurance problems, Gov. Charlie Crist and legislative leaders said Thursday their attention will be on pushing for a national catastrophe fund. Crist plans to …

Coping with catastrophe

Ten things agents and brokers can do to help clients obtain adequate cat coverage When it comes to property catastrophe insurance coverage, many commercial clients are being forced to swallow a bitter pill in the form of steep prices, new …


Although hurricanes have received wide attention in the media, earthquake exposure also should be a significant concern. Forecasts of potential damages indicate that earthquake destruction could be just as massive as that from a major hurricane. History of the hazard …