Earthquakes News

Wagging the dog

Reinsurance woes send primary carriers scrambling Until recently the reinsurance world was a galaxy far, far away. That changed after the 2000 stock market crash, the Sept. 11 attacks and, more recently, the hurricanes that struck Florida, New Orleans, Texas …

Julie Benafield Bowman, Arkansas, Commissioner of Insurance

Like insurance commissioners in other states, Arkansas Insurance Commis-sioner Julie Benafield Bowman, is keeping an eye on catastrophe issues and the availability of insurance related to them. Unlike commissioners in Arkansas’ neighboring states of Texas and Loui-siana, however, her concern …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

The marine market, although not immune to severe weather and other catastrophic occurrences, has not suffered to the extent of the mainline commercial property sector. A recent Wall Street Journal story proclaimed, “As Hurricane Season Begins, Disaster Insurance Runs Short.” …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

The marine market, although not immune to severe weather and other catastrophic occurrences, has not suffered to the extent of the mainline commercial property sector. As such, industry players have sought to fill gaps in coverage by revising the solution …

Wagging the dog

Until recently the reinsurance world was a galaxy far, far away. That changed after the 2000 stock market crash, the Sept. 11 attacks and, more recently, the hurricanes that struck Florida, New Orleans, Texas and other parts of the Gulf …

Marine market responds to stressed property coverage demand

A recent Wall Street Journal story proclaimed, “As Hurricane Season Begins, Disaster Insurance Runs Short.” Indeed, the stark headline in the July 10 article mirrors the market reality: There is a severe lack of available property insurance for catastrophic risk, …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

A recent Wall Street Journal story proclaimed, “As Hurricane Season Begins, Disaster Insurance Runs Short.” Indeed, the stark headline in the July 10 article mirrors the market reality: There is a severe lack of available property insurance for catastrophic risk, …

Julie Benafield Bowman

Like insurance commissioners in other states, Arkansas Insurance Commis-sioner Julie Benafield Bowman, is keeping an eye on catastrophe issues and the availability of insurance related to them. Unlike commissioners in Arkansas’ neighboring states of Texas and Loui-siana, however, her concern …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

A recent Wall Street Journal story proclaimed, “As Hurricane Season Begins, Disaster Insurance Runs Short.” Indeed, the stark headline in the July 10 article mirrors the market reality: There is a severe lack of available property insurance for catastrophic risk, …

Excess flood insurance — when the federal plan isn’t sufficient

The lessons learned from Katrina and Rita and predictions of a future with bigger and stronger storms highlight more than ever the importance of flood insurance, even in locations where it was previously thought unnecessary. The National Flood Insurance Program …