Earthquakes News

Editor’s Note: Your Space

In teenage land, the Internet is hardly foreign. Ask any 14-year-old today — they likely know all the ins and outs of using the Web to research school projects, as well as how to make friends all around the world …

Avian Flu and the Property Casualty Industry

Insurance buyers are taking a close look at their insurance and risk management programs, looking for possible financial recourse in the event of an outbreak. It is therefore worthwhile to examine each line of coverage in order to properly evaluate …

The Hartford Opens Chicago Office to Handle Catastrophic Claims

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. recently announced that it has created a new office in the greater Chicago area dedicated solely to processing claims that arise out of catastrophic events. This new catastrophe office, which opened this month, will …

China’s P&C Insurer Licenses AIR’s Quake Cat Models

Boston-based AIR Worldwide Corporation announced that China’s PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited has licensed CLASIC/2™ and CATRADER®, AIR’s catastrophe risk management systems, to manage the Company’s earthquake risk to residential, commercial, and industrial exposures. “As the leading Chinese insurer, …

RMS Partners With China Earthquake Administration’s Institute of Engineering Mechanics to Develop China Earthquake Risk

Newark, Calif.-based Risk Management Solutions (RMS) has formed a partnership with the China Earthquake Administration scientific and engineering arm, the Institute of Engineering Mechanics (IEM). “This partnership will span a broad host of initiatives designed to promote greater awareness and …

XL CEO Urges Industry Leaders to Adopt ‘Coordinated Approach’ to Solve Global Problems

XL Capital Ltd President and CEO Brian O’Hara led off XL’s 2nd annual global risk conference in Berlin Germany with a plea to the heads of some of the world’s leading organizations to adopt an industry- based coordinated approach to …

Miss. lawmakers pass building code requirements for coastal counties

Progress was made this legislative session as Mississippi lawmakers passed requirements for tougher building codes and took steps to help ensure new construction in five coastal counties will better protect residents from catastrophic events, according to the Property Casualty Insurers …

Getting out fast? Make sure vital documents are safe

No social security card? No job. No pictures or videos of household goods? Try getting the insurance company to pay. No cash or credit cards? Good luck getting a hotel room. Retrieving important personal documents may not be the first …

Lloyd’s sees 1906 San Francisco earthquake as a turning point

One of the most significant natural disasters in U.S. history, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, rolled to its centennial anniversary April 18, 2006. One hundred years ago in San Francisco, the Earth bounced and the city collapsed; then burned. …

News Currents

Engineers working toward earthquake-proof structures Sometime in the not-so-distant future, newly constructed buildings will be able to withstand earthquakes of the magnitude that destroyed San Francisco one century ago, scientists say. Working with super-strong materials that can bend, stretch and …