Earthquakes News

Lloyd’s sees 1906 San Francisco earthquake as a turning point

One of the most significant natural disasters in U.S. history, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, rolled to its centennial anniversary April 18, 2006. One hundred years ago in San Francisco, the Earth bounced and the city collapsed; then burned. …

Study calculates impact of 1906 Bay Area earthquake today, preparedness for another

If an earthquake like the one that devastated San Francisco, Calif., in 1906 struck today, the toll would be staggering: tens of thousands of buildings damaged and hundreds of people dead, according to a new study. The report calculated that …

Engineers working toward earthquake-proof structures

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, newly constructed buildings will be able to withstand earthquakes of the magnitude that destroyed San Francisco one century ago, scientists say. Working with super-strong materials that can bend, stretch and compress without breaking, engineers say …

Miss. lawmakers pass building code requirements for coastal counties

Progress was made this legislative session as Mississippi lawmakers passed requirements for tougher building codes and took steps to help ensure new construction in five coastal counties will better protect residents from catastrophic events, according to the Property Casualty Insurers …

Getting out fast? Make sure vital documents are safe

No social security card? No job. No pictures or videos of household goods? Try getting the insurance company to pay. No cash or credit cards? Good luck getting a hotel room. Retrieving important personal documents may not be the first …

Tonga Fails to Receive Tsunami Alert from Hawaii Center

Minutes after an earthquake struck near the South Pacific nation of Tonga, tsunami warnings began to radiate to countries as far away as Fiji and New Zealand by phone, e-mail and fax. But in the island country closest to the …

Fla. Calls for Federal Insurance Subsidy

The insurance crisis is not a Florida problem, it is a national problem that demands national solutions, Tom Gallagher, Florida CFO, said after applauding the Florida Legislature for calling on Congress to create a national catastrophe insurance plan. The call …

Willis’ Sees ‘Tumultuous Times’ for Natural Catastrophe Market

A bulletin from global broker Willis Group Holdings in the April 2006 online edition of “Marketplace Realities and Risk Management Solutions” describes events in the natural catastrophe (Nat Cat) segment of the property marketplace as “nothing less than tumultuous.” Directly …

RMS Estimates Repeat of 1906 San Francisco Quake Would Cause $50 Billion to $80 Billion in Insured Losses

Based on 2006 population and property exposures in the San Francisco Bay area, Risk Management Solutions, Newark, Calif., estimates there would be at least $260 billion in damages to residential and commercial exposures if the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and …

Engineers Working, Stretching, Bending Toward Earthquake-Proof Building

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, newly constructed buildings will be able to withstand earthquakes of the magnitude that destroyed San Francisco one century ago, scientists say. Working with super-strong materials that can bend, stretch and compress without breaking, engineers say …