Earthquakes News

‘Great Earthquake’ Strikes Chile; 700 Dead; 2 Million Affected

One of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded struck the central coast of Chile early Saturday morning, February 27. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured the magnitude at 8.8 with severe “shaking intensity” extending nearly 500 kms (app. 300 miles) from …

Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. Reveals the Riskiest Movies of the Year

As the Oscars quickly approach, many are speculating what film and actors will win Hollywood’s most coveted statue. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co., a Novato, Calif.-based insurer of major Hollywood films for more than 85 years, is unveiling the riskiest films …

Earthquakes Should Prompt U.S. to Prepare Now, Says Safety Group

The tragedies of the recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti serve as a reminder that parts of the United States are highly vulnerable to the devastating effects of this unpredictable natural disaster. While most Americans believe earthquakes are a catastrophe …

CCRIF, CIMH to Launch Excess Rainfall Model for New Insurance Policy

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) and the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) are launching their Regional Rainfall Model today, February 25, at CIMH headquarters in Husbands, Barbados. The bulletin explained that this “synthetic rainfall generation model …

Caribbean Cat Facility Teams with UN Commission for Nat Cat Strategies

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) announced that they will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing “a partnership to facilitate capacity building and to develop …

Missouri Governor: State Must Be Ready for Big Quake

Most experts believe it’s just a matter of time before another big earthquake strikes along the New Madrid fault line, and Gov. Jay Nixon says Missouri and neighboring states need to be ready. Nixon on Feb. 19 convened a panel …


3.8 The magnitude of a small pre-dawn earthquake that hit northern Illinois on Feb. 10. The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) said the earthquake was felt in eight states and was reported by more than 10,000 people. The epicenter was …

Idaho Home Insurance Costs Lowest in Nation

Idaho homeowner insurance is the least costly in the nation, averaging $422 per year, according to a nationwide survey. This compares to an average $822 countrywide. The Gem State also had among the lowest average rates for renters insurance, at …

A Recurrence of Recalls; ‘PIGS’ in a Poke; Lloyd’s Powers on; Haiti Now Faces Floods and Hurricanes

First Toyota, then Honda – who’s next? 2010 is not starting out as a good year for car companies. Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp. was already in the process of recalling approximately 8 million vehicles, due to problems with the accelerator …

Dispelling the Myth That Wholesalers Add Cost

Your current retail broker is using a wholesaler and it’s adding to the cost of business. We can reduce your costs by eliminating the wholesaler.” How many times have retail agents and brokers said this when making a sales pitch …