Earthquakes News

RMS Analyzes Haiti Earthquake, Regional Repercussions

Risk Management Solutions has released a report on the impact of the earthquake that struck near the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on January 12. The 7.0 magnitude quake destroyed much of the city and surrounding areas. However, as RMS notes, “only …

Haitian Government Receives $7.75 Million from CCRIF

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) has paid the Government of Haiti US $7,753,579 following the Magnitude 7.0 earthquake which struck close to Port-au-Prince on January 12, causing damage of catastrophic proportions. The payment is the “full amount due …

Buffett’s Berkshire Amasses $1 Billion Stake in Munich Re

Munich Re posted a statutory notice on Tuesday announcing that Berkshire Hathaway’s stake in the company rose to 3.045 percent on January 18, just above the level at which such holdings must be disclosed. “Warren Buffett is an expert at …


Frozen Florida “The reports we are getting tell us there is frozen fruit as well as twig and leaf damage out there now it may be days or weeks until we figure out whether there is long-term tree damage. All …

It Figures

20% Percentage of Oregonians who have earthquake insurance, according to a state Department of Consumer and Business Services survey. Jan. 26 marks the 310th anniversary of the last, great Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. This magnitude 9.0 earthquake was centered about …

A.M. Best Reports Reinsurers See Orderly, But Soft, January Renewals

January renewals showed signs of softening as reinsurers benefited from improved financial markets plus a lack of natural catastrophe claims in 2009. The three largest global reinsurance brokers – Aon Benfield, Guy Carpenter & Co. and Willis Re – said …

Tragedy in Haiti; XL Moves to Ireland; NYC Exchange Doesn’t Worry London; WEF Prepares for Davos

The tragedy in Haiti is a reminder of how fragile life can be in developing countries.Despite the massive loss of life and widespread destruction in and around the capital Port-au-Prince, vital rescue efforts have been hampered by a lack of …

Caribbean Risk Managers Publishes Updated Report on Haiti Quake

Caribbean Risk Managers Ltd. (CaribRM) has published an updated report on the earthquake in Haiti, which gives precise details concerning the unfolding of the event. It continues with an examination of the damages it caused, both on the ground and …

Only 20% of Oregonians Insured for Earthquake Risks

Although Oregon is among the states at highest risk for a major earthquake, only about 20 percent of Oregonians have earthquake insurance, according to a Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) survey. “Consumers may want to think about their …

World Economic Forum Presents Global Risks Report for Davos Summit

The World Economic Forum released Global Risks 2010, its annual report on the most significant global risks facing the global economy, in a presentation held at Marsh’s London office. The report, which the WEF has prepared in each of the …