Earthquakes News

Mississippi-Based Hurricane Hunters Also Patrol Winter Skies

On a bitterly cold morning in Anchorage, Alaska, the Hurricane Hunters lift off to scout a weather track that may bring snow to the Northeast or flooding rains in California in the next five days. The winter mission of the …

Hanover Insurance Enhances Ocean Cargo Product

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. reports it has enhanced its ocean cargo insurance offering and related loss control capabilities. This product provides worldwide coverage on goods in transit via vessel, air or land, including coast-wise and inter-coastal shipments. It can …

Best Reports Reinsurers See Orderly, but Soft, January Renewals

January renewals showed signs of softening as reinsurers benefited from improved financial markets plus a lack of natural catastrophe claims in 2009, according to the latest issue of BestWeek U.S./Canada. The three largest global reinsurance brokers — Aon Benfield, Guy …

Audits Hit Insurance Providers for Kentucky Cities, Counties

A state audit of a Kentucky municipal association – the second in as many months – has found problems with compensation, spending, conflicts of interest and procurement matters including in the operation of the organization’s insurance services. State Auditor Crit …

Most Property Reinsurance Rates Down at January Renewal As Capital Rebounds

Reinsurance rates across most lines of property catastrophe business declined at the Jan. 1, 2010 renewal, according to a briefing by Guy Carpenter & Co. LLC. Guy Carpenter’s World Catastrophe Rate on Line (ROL) Index declined by 6 percent at …

RMS Forecasts Increased Growth for Insurance Linked Securities in 2010

A bulletin from Risk Management Solutions notes that the fourth quarter of 2009 was the “most active… ever for catastrophe bond issuance, reaching almost $1.1 billion in total volume, eclipsing the previous best fourth quarter by over 75 percent.” RMS …

UPDATE: 1,000 People Left Homeless on Solomons after Tsunami

A disaster management official says an earthquake and a tsunami have destroyed 200 homes on one island in the Solomons leaving about one-third of the population homeless. Disaster management office director Loti Yates says visual assessments from the air Tuesday …

Swiss Re Obtains $150 Million Cat Bond Cover for Calif. Quakes

Swiss Re has entered into a transaction with Redwood Capital XI Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company financed through the offering of insurance-linked securities, to receive up to $150 million in the event of a California earthquake in the covered …

Quakes Shake Solomon Islands; No injuries or Damage Reported

The Solomon Islands were shaken by a string of earthquakes Monday – including one registering a powerful 7.2 magnitude – but officials in the South Pacific country said there were no immediate reports of injuries or widespread damage. The tremors …

Most Property Reinsurance Rates Down at January Renewal As Capital Rebounds

Reinsurance rates across most lines of property catastrophe business declined at the Jan. 1, 2010 renewal, according to a briefing by Guy Carpenter & Co., LLC. Guy Carpenter’s World Catastrophe Rate on Line (ROL) Index declined by six percent at …