Earthquakes News

It Figures

7 Million Estimated number of Californians who simultaneously stopped, dropped to the ground and covered their heads during a state earthquake drill held on Oct. 15. The event, sponsored by State Farm Insurance, and the Insurance Brokers and Agents of …

Museum Travels Beyond Insurance to Protect the Priceless

San Diego’s Natural History Museum Took Extraordinary Steps to Protect Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls are among the oldest documents, and greatest artifacts, in the world. So what do you do if they get lent to your museum? …

How to COPE with Apartment Risks

COPE is generally associated with property underwriting rather than as a risk class-based underwriting acronym. However, the traditional use and definition of COPE can be broadened to highlight the top concerns of underwriters reviewing apartment complexes. Classically, COPE means: Construction, …

It Figures

$12.1 Million Cumulative amount of bonuses to be paid to several top executives at AIG, after U.S. pay czar Kenneth Feinberg signed off on the deal. The payments were promised in 2008 to get key employees to stay with AIG …

AIR Involved in 80% of $2.1 Billion in Catastrophe Bonds Issued in 2009

Boston-based AIR Worldwide Corp. (AIR) reported that it has provided risk modeling and analytical services for over 80 percent of the $2.1 billion of catastrophe bonds issued to date in 2009. AIR said it has been the modeling and calculation …

Scientists Find Cause of Oregon Earthquakes

Scientists say a group of previously unknown faults was behind an odd swarm of earthquakes last year off the Oregon Coast. But just what set them off remains unknown. Oregon State University marine geologist Robert Dziak (ZEE-ack) says the discovery …

German Research Institution Joins Willis Nat Cat Research Network

The Willis Research Network (WRN), part of Willis Group Holdings Limited, announced that a prestigious German institution has joined the WRN, thus enhancing its capabilities in Europe. The newest member is the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology …

Lloyd’s Notes Success of Regional Catastrophe Pools, CCRIF

An article on the Lloyd’s of London web site ( discusses the success of an “innovative solution” which can make funding available to governments in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes “can have a …

Minor Quake Recorded in Upstate New York

The U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed that a minor earthquake rattled sections of the Albany, New York area last week. The USGS says the 2.9 magnitude quake occurred at 9:32 p.m. last Tuesday, with its epicenter 18 miles southwest of …

California Still at Earthquake Risk

California is still vulnerable to devastating loss should another earthquake occur like the Loma Prieta earthquake, which occured 20 years ago, according to “The fact is, that California’s largest cities are economically vulnerable as they were when the Loma …