Earthquakes News

S&P Analyzes Jordanian Insurance Sector

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has issued a report, “Growing Supply Chases Slowing Demand In The Jordanian Insurance Market,” on its RatingsDirect web site. The report states: “The “insurance sector in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (foreign currency BB/Stable/B; local …

UPDATE: 1 in 4 Homes Damaged by Italian Quake Says RMS

Risk Management Solutions’ latest bulletin on the devastating earthquake, which struck Italy on Monday, estimates that “at least one in four homes in the epicentral area of L’Aquila have been damaged.” RMS said its data “shows that just 20 percent …

AIR Analyzes Italian Quake; Insured Losses $265 to $528 Million

Catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide estimates that insured losses from Monday’s magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck the Abruzzo region of Italy are likely to range between €200 million and €400 million ($264 to $528 million). AIR said the “estimates …

AIR Reaches $10 Billion Cat Bond Modeling Milestone

Boston’s AIR Worldwide Corporation announced that it has provided risk modeling and analytical services for more than 10 billion dollars in insurance-linked securities since 1996 and over 56 percent of total issuances since 2007. “Risk modeling is a key element …

RMS Analyzes Italian Quake

The earthquake that struck the Italian city of L’Aquila, the regional capital of Abruzzi in central Italy, is now measured at a strong magnitude 6.3 on the Richter scale, according to Risk Management Solutions analysis of the disaster. At least …

Cat 5 Litigation in the Forecast?

As 2008 Hurricane Claims Enter Court and New Season Approaches, Katrina Issues Linger The 2008 hurricane season was the sixth most active tropical storm season recorded since data collection began in 1851. Six storms made U.S. landfall in 2008. They …

Liaisons Highlight Consumer Insurance Concerns

Consumer Advocates Focus on How Insurers Treat Insureds in Difficult Economic, Credit Climate Insurance agents, brokers and regulators should be aware that when it comes to insurance, consumers are concerned with such issues as the use of credit scores in …

Deadly Quake Hits Central Italy

A strong earthquake struck near the central Italian town of L’Aquila early this morning, demolishing buildings and infrastructure. The death toll has already reached 50, but local authorities have indicated that many more people are missing and feared dead. Estimates …

Magnitude 4.3 Earthquake Shakes Northern California, Reveals New Fault

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake struck near Santa Clara Valley Calif., this week near Mt. Hamilton, revealing a fault scientists did not know existed, according to the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif. According to its summary of the event, …

Ratings Recap: Generali, XL, Blue Fin (Cat Bonds), Sun Hung Kai, B&B, Risk Re

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services stated that its ratings on the core operating companies of Italy’s Generali Group (AA/Negative/–) are unaffected by the termination of the agreement relative to the joint venture Intesa Vita, which will not be renewed. “Alleanza …