Earthquakes News

Bermuda Donates $500,000 to Caribbean Cat Risk Insurance Facility

A bulletin from the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) notes that as of the beginning of the 2008 Atlantic Hurricane season, all sixteen original member governments “have signaled their continued support by renewing their 2008 policies.” In addition the …

RMS Reviews Multi-Peril Risk Model for Securitization

Risk Management Solutions has performed a detailed review of the risk analysis processes for a multi-peril indemnity deal. “The transaction provides cover in two tranches against losses from U.S. windstorm and earthquake, Japanese typhoon and earthquake and European windstorm, as …

More Developing Nations to Consider Catastrophe Bond Issuance

Governments in emerging markets are increasingly looking at the potential to tap capital markets to help fund the cost of recovery when costly natural catastrophes strike, experts say. Some nations have already issued debt instruments — referred to as catastrophe, …

Survey: Nearly Half of Americans Unprepared for Disasters

As the nation braces for the hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and floods that accompany the spring and summer disaster season, nearly half of U.S. consumers are insufficiently prepared — in terms of their insurance coverage — to deal with potential losses, …

RMS Analyzes Iceland Quake

Fortunately no deaths have been reported from the strong earthquake – estimated at magnitude 6.1 by the USGS – which shook Iceland last Thursday. However, an anlysis by Risk Management Solutions indicates that there was light to moderate damage to …

Scientists Predict $200B in Damage From Southern California Earthquake

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the California Geological Survey (CGS) are predicting a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Southern California — similar to the recent earthquake in China — would kill 1,800 people, injure 50,000, cause $200 billion in damage, …

The Reluctant Bride: Insurance Australia Group Rejects QBE’s Latest Offer

Quake Shatters China’s Sichuan Province; Willis Shows Off New London Headquarters; AIG Wins One, Loses One After five weeks of high level discussions, Australia’s QBE Group withdrew its offer to acquire Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG), following the decision of …

Lloyd’s Examines Insuring Aid Workers

Burma’s deadly cyclone and China’s massive earthquake have focused attention on the relief workers, who volunteer to bring aid to the stricken victims. “We take the sight of foreign aid workers arriving in disaster zones for granted,” Lloyd’s points out …

Starr Foundation Pledges $1 Million for China Earthquake Relief

The Starr Foundation of New York and Starr International Foundation of Switzerland have announced a joint grant to the China Charity Federation totaling $1 million for earthquake relief in China. The donation was facilitated by Give2Asia. “Our heartfelt concern goes …

RMS Attends Chinese Regulatory Conference to Promote Data Standards

In the wake of the devastating Sichuan earthquake, representatives from The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), Risk Management Solutions (RMS), and China’s Institute of Engineering Mechanics (IEM) met with more than 100 representatives of the domestic Chinese insurance industry at …