Earthquakes News

Illinois Creates Seismic Safety Task Force to Prepare for Earthquakes

Illinois has decided to create a panel aimed at improving earthquake preparedness. The Illinois Seismic Safety Task Force will assess how high-risk portions of the state have prepared to minimize earthquake damage. The group will also give Governor Rod Blagojevich …

Small Earthquake Hits St. Louis County

There are no reports of damage after a small earthquake shook parts of the St. Louis, Mo., area on Monday, May 5th in the morning. The magnitude 2.7 quake at 6:25 a.m. was centered in Fenton in southwest St. Louis …


Bad Faith Blues “It is good for consumers … it will help them get what they paid for, which is our goal. But it also recognizes the industry’s needs. It gives them some ability to have some understanding and some …

Insurers to Build Natural Disaster Research Center

The insurance industry is preparing to build a state-of-the-art applied research facility that will use science and technology to expand capabilities to create more durable homes and businesses and reduce the costs of natural disasters. The Institute for Business & …

Democrats Accuse Sen. Martinez of Not Pushing Catastrophe Fund Bill

Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida is in a position to help move along a bill that could lower property insurance rates in disaster-prone states, but hasn’t been aggressive enough in doing so, said the two Democratic House members sponsoring …

Property Insurers to Build Natural Disaster Research Center

The insurance industry is preparing to build a state-of-the-art applied research facility that promises to use science and technology to expand capabilities to create more durable homes and businesses and reduce the costs of natural disasters. The Institute for Business …

Insurers to Build Natural Disaster Research Center

The insurance industry is preparing to build a state-of-the-art applied research facility that will use science and technology to expand capabilities to create more durable homes and businesses and reduce the costs of natural disasters. The Institute for Business & …

California Earthquake: Damage Predictions of ‘Big One’ Get Bigger

A new report is predicting that a repeat of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake would damage more than 90,000 buildings and cost $150 billion to repair. According to the report, “When the Big One Strikes Again,” prepared for the 100th Anniversary …

On Shaky Ground

There have been a lot of rumblings lately — with scientists recording earthquakes in Nevada, Oregon and throughout the Midwest ranging from magnitudes 4.7 to 5.4. The U.S. Geological survey recently noted that earthquakes remain a serious threat in 46 …

Earthquakes Raise Questions of Future Shocks, Public Readiness

Just weeks after earthquakes rattled Nevada, the Midwest and the coast of Oregon, and on the heels of the 102nd anniversary of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, the public, government officials and insurance industry professionals are wondering whether towns across could …