ebola News

Stepped-Up Ebola Screening Starts at New York’s JFK Airport

Customs and health officials began taking the temperatures of passengers arriving at New York’s Kennedy International Airport from three West African countries on Saturday, Oct. 11, in a stepped-up screening effort meant to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus. …

Ebola Tests Insurers’ Medical Evacuation Services As Airlines Cut Flights

Leading companies offering medical evacuation services are drawing a line at flying Ebola patients out of West Africa for treatment abroad as the cost and the complexities of the deadly epidemic grow. Several airlines have cut flights to the region …

Ports Tighten Ship Entry Rules in Response to Ebola Crisis

Brazil, Argentina and the United States have tightened port entry procedures for ships that have sailed from West Africa in a bid to control the potential spread of the deadly Ebola virus. Ebola has killed more than 3,400 people in …

Mayor de Blasio: New York City Could Handle Ebola Outbreak

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says he’s “very confident” the city’s hospital system could handle an Ebola outbreak. De Blasio touted the public health system in the nation’s biggest city, the ability of its first responders and its …

Success of Ebola Lawsuits in Texas Would Have Long Odds

Potential suits against the Dallas, Texas, hospital that sent home a patient later diagnosed with Ebola face long odds in the face of state medical malpractice laws. Texas tort-reform measures have made it one of the hardest places in the …

Scientists Calculate Risk of Ebola Spreading to France, Britain

Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date. Those …

80 People Being Monitored in Dallas Ebola Case

More than 80 people in Dallas are being monitored for symptoms of Ebola after coming into contact with patient Thomas Eric Duncan or others who Duncan had met, health officials said. The people have been asked to report to Texas …