ECB News

ECB President Draghi Says EU Crisis Summit Delivered ‘Tangible Results’

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said on Friday he was pleased with steps taken at the summit of EU leaders, including a decision to allow direct recapitalization of banks, but added that future aid must be tied to strict …

Germans Say “Nein! No! Non!” Ahead of Euro Summit

EU leaders go into a Brussels meeting today, Thursday June 28, more openly divided than at any time since the euro crisis began, with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel showing no sign of relenting in her refusal to back other countries’ …

Will There Ever Be a United States of Europe?

From recent news you will have learned that the euro zone crisis continues to be the 700 pound gorilla in the room of the global economy. It’s become increasingly clear that, whatever happens in Greece on June 17, the euro …

OECD Sees Euro Zone Crisis Threatening Global Economic Recovery

The United States and Japan are leading a fragile economic recovery among developed countries that could yet be blown off course if the euro zone fails to contain its flaring growth crisis, the OECD said on Tuesday. In its twice-yearly …

European Central Bank Head Warns of Widening Global Imbalances

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet on Sunday raised concerns about widening global imbalances after the financial crisis, calling them one of the main challenges for the global economy. Global imbalances were blamed for contributing to and aggravating the financial …