economic crisis News

G20 Backs Europe’s Plans for Euro Zone Overhaul to Fight Crisis

Europe won support from world leaders on Tuesday for an ambitious, but slow-moving, overhaul of the euro zone, even as pressure built in financial markets for quicker solutions to its debt crisis that threatens the world economy. European countries showed …

Greek Pro-bailout Parties Look to Forge Coalition

Political parties supporting Greece’s international bailout begin forging a government on Monday after an election victory over radical leftists staved off the prospect of the debt-laden country leaving the euro and brought relief to global markets. Conservative New Democracy leader …

Economic Crisis Challenges Harmonization of U.S. Regulations, EU’s Solvency II

The EU’s Solvency II regulations get most of the headlines, but there are other regulatory bodies, which are trying to modernize and harmonize the regulations for global insurance companies. Their task has been made even more difficult by the prolonged …

German Chancellor Merkel Rejects ‘Miracle Solutions;’ Spain’s Debt Costs Soar

Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed pressure on Thursday for Germany, Europe’s most powerful economy, to underwrite debt or guarantee bank deposits in the euro zone, as Spain’s soaring borrowing costs raised new alarm. Spain’s 10-year bond yield hit a euro lifetime …

Will There Ever Be a United States of Europe?

From recent news you will have learned that the euro zone crisis continues to be the 700 pound gorilla in the room of the global economy. It’s become increasingly clear that, whatever happens in Greece on June 17, the euro …

EU Trade Credit Insurers Considering Restrictions on Greek Coverage

Euler Hermes, the world’s No. 1 trade credit insurer, said it might restrict the cover it provides to exporters doing business with Greece, citing fears the debt-laden nation could be forced out of the euro. “Euler Hermes will most probably …

Spanish Economy in ‘Huge Crisis’ after Sovereign Debt Downgrade

Spain’s sickly economy faces a “crisis of huge proportions”, a minister said on Friday, as unemployment hit its highest level in two decades and Standard and Poor’s weighed in with a two-notch downgrade of the government’s debt. Spain’s unemployment rate …

Civil Unrest Leads Aon to Downgrade 37 Countries on Political Risk Map

Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon plc, has just issued its latest political risk map, which gauges the level of risk for international business in more than 200 countries. Aon said “37 countries were downgraded in …

IMF Head Sees Global Economy on Recovery Path, but Risks Remain

The global economy has stepped back from the brink of danger and signs of stabilization are emerging from the euro zone and the United States, but high debt levels in developed markets and rising oil prices are key risks ahead, …

Best Affirms Aviva’s Ratings; Places them on Review/Negative

Following its announcements, made earlier this week, A.M. Best Europe – Rating Services Limited is continuing to take rating actions on a number of European (re)insurers, as a result of the continued negative developments regarding the euro zone sovereign debt …