Economist News

World’s Safest Cities: Washington Rises, Hong Kong Falls

There’s a new surprise member of the world’s safest cities club. Washington, D.C. has entered the top 10 in the Safe Cities index for the first time, while Hong Kong is a noticeable no-show after plummeting down the rankings. Tokyo …

‘Silver Tsunami’ Predicted by Oregon Economist

A prominent Oregon economist says one of the counties hardest hit by the decline of the state’s forest industries should expect a “silver tsunami” of retirees as aging baby boomers flee California and, if predictions pan out, the Pacific Northwest …

Economist Risk Summit Urges Execs to Adopt Longer Term Perspectives

A new report released today by The Economist Intelligence Unit during the Economist Conferences’ Risk Summit, hosted by Willis Group Holdings in London, revealed the importance of looking beyond the current risk horizon and how executives can equip their organizations …