Economy News

How an E&O Claim Could Affect Agency Employee’s Career

Survey Finds Agencies Take a Second Look at Hiring Employees With Past E&O Histories Today’s soft insurance market, reduced commissions and a tough economy for agency owners and their clients might be adding to agency errors and omissions (E&O) exposures. …

Why Top Performing Agencies Focus on Compensation Expenses

There are a lot of performance benchmarks to focus on to become a top performing insurance agency and to achieve high profitability. One of the areas agencies need to focus on is compensation expenses. With a struggling national economy, it’s …

Study: Texting Bans Don’t Reduce Crashes

It’s illegal to text while driving in most U.S. states yet a new study finds such bans do not reduce car accidents and may actually increase insurance claims. Researchers at the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) found no reductions in …

Congress Sends Tax Deal to Obama for Signing

Congress gave final approval late Thursday to the deal President Barack Obama and Republicans made to extend expiring tax cuts — a high-stakes gamble to create jobs at a cost of deepening the U.S. debt. Over objections from many of …

U.S. Financial Rescue Cheap Compared to Past Crises: Geithner

The price of corporate bailouts in 2008 and 2009 looks cheap compared to past crises, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday, while urging more drastic action from housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to help homeowners. For …

Key Features of Compromise Tax Bill

The U.S. Congress approved an $858 billion tax deal between President Barack Obama and the Republicans that will boost the economy but add to the budget deficit. Following are key components of the bill. All cost estimates are from the …

U.S. Sues BP, Well Owners, Driller, Insurer for Gulf Oil Spill Damages

The Obama administration Wednesday launched a legal battle against BP Plc and its partners by suing them for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, which could cost the companies billions of dollars. The lawsuit seeks damages from the …

Chubb Receives Final Approval for China Branch in Nanjing

The Chubb Corporation announced that the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has granted final approval to Chubb Insurance (China) Company Limited, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary, to establish a branch in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Chubb said it “expects to open …

Madison Ranked Safest Metropolitan Area to Live

Madison, Wis., is the most secure U.S. community among large metropolitan areas (population of 500,000 or greater) according to the seventh annual Most Secure U.S. Places to Live rankings from Farmers Insurance Group of Companies. Olympia, Wash., is the most …

Aon Launches Public Entity Practice

Chicago-based Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon Corp. has launched a public entity practice to address and work to fulfill increased demand among state governments, counties, towns, special districts and public schools for specialized risk advice …