Economy News

ACE Opens Branch Office in Turkey

the ACE European Group announced the opening of a new branch office in Istanbul, Turkey, as it expands its presence across Central and Eastern Europe. ACE said it has “obtained a letter from Turkey’s Under Secretary of Treasury granting the …

California Considers Expanding Electronic Insurance Transactions

While California’s economy nears crisis, with the state Legislature’s seeming inability to agree on a budget before the July 1 fiscal deadline, the state Legislature still is evaluting bills for legislative action, insurance measures included. AB 328, which is being …

Central Oversight of Levees Needed, Arkansas Lawmakers Told

Arkansas is putting its residents and economy at risk by failing to adopt a centralized system for flood-levee oversight, the state’s lawmakers have been told. Representatives from the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission recently reported to members of the Legislative Joint …

Finding Fraudsters

Insurance fraud has become a nationwide problem, and experts say it’s a problem that has the potential to get worse as people look for ways to cut down on their expenses as the economy tightens. “The special agents at NICB …

Pressure Is On to Catch a Few Bad Apples

Fraud Investigators on Alert to Prevent Property/Casualty Agent Abuses from Spreading Those who track insurance criminals for a living say that as the economy has worsened, insurance fraud has been on the rise — and they are on the alert …

Worst of Global Crisis May Be yet to Come Says Head of IMF

The worst of the global economic crisis may be yet to come, International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said on Monday. Finance ministers of the Group of Eight nations agreed over the weekend that the global economy was showing encouraging …

Regulator: California Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau Needs to Address Challenges

The California Department of Insurance has released an audit report of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. Among the recommendations are that WCIRB should: Begin to collect the detailed, transaction-level data needed to perform refined analyses of the potential …

Int’l. Chamber of Commerce Calls on G8 to Avoid Economic Nationalism

“The G8 summit should resist pressures to resort to economic nationalism and should further strengthen international cooperation to meet the challenges posed by the global recession, climate change and product counterfeiting,” said a bulletin from the International Chamber of Commerce …

Nevada Governor Signs Bill to Change Division of Insurance Funding

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons has signed a bill that will change the funding structure of the Nevada Division of Insurance and strengthen consumer protections in the area of viatical settlements. The bill, Senate Bill 426, passed May 22 in the …

Michigan Businesses Believe Worst of Economic Recession Is Over

While Michigan’s small to mid-size businesses continue to express high levels of dissatisfaction with the economy, a recent survey found a sharp increase in the percentage of business owners who say they expect their bottom line will improve over the …