Economy News

Vermont Employers Enjoy Declining Workers’ Compensation Prices

Workers’ compensation insurance is costing less for most Vermont employers since new rates became effective April 1. The Vermont Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration approved loss cost and rate reductions that affect rates charged by private …

R&M ‘Carbon Finance’ Analysis Praised as ‘Timely’

Dublin-based market analysts Research and Markets notes that the firm’s recently released report, “Carbon Finance: The Financial Implications of Climate Change,” has received praise from industry leaders. Among those cited by R&M, who offered their opinion on the report, was …

Report Details P/C Insurers’ 2006 Proftability, Escape from Storms

Another report on the insurance industry confirms and details what has been widely acknowledged: a sharp decline in catastrophes in 2006 contributed to improved underwriting results for the year. The U.S. property/casualty industry posted a $31.2 billion net gain on …

Assurex Assesses Asian Market Opportunities, ‘Pitfalls’

Assurex Global Partners assembled “more than 100” members “from six continents” at its annual Spring Partners’ Conference, held recently in Hong Kong, where they “discussed the intricacies of doing business in this part of the world.” The bulletin notes that, …

Okla. House OKs Bill to Protect Farmers, Ranchers from Frivolous Suits

The Oklahoma House of Representatives recently approved a bill that would protect Oklahoma’s farmers and ranchers from frivolous lawsuits claiming animal manure is toxic waste. Under Senate Bill 709, by state Sen. Ron Justice (R-Chickasha) and state Rep. Terry Hyman …

Bush Administration Rejects Pleas for Federal Disaster Plan

Warning of another looming hurricane season, lawmakers including Florida Gov. Charlie Crist pleaded this week in Washington for a national catastrophe fund to help stabilize an insurance industry that they say has gone berserk in coastal areas. The Bush administration …

La. DOI to Co-sponsor ‘Health Care Options for Small Business’ Seminar

The Department of Insurance Louisiana Health Care Commission will co-sponsor a free health insurance seminar for small business owners on April 25, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Baton Rouge Area Foundation Conference Center at 402 N. Fourth Street …

Industry to Congress: Private Market Is the Best Solution on Natural Disasters, But Some Say Federal Help Needed

The private insurance marketplace, not the federal government, is the best vehicle to address coastal insurance issues and natural disasters in the U.S., according to insurers. Even so, the federal government can play a role in efforts to reduce affordability …

Perils of Citizens’ policy

As Florida lawmakers continue to deal with insurance problems, the insurance industry is not the only interest calling on them to look before they leap and avoid making matters worse for property owners, taxpayers and the state economy. Associated Industries …

Study claims U.S. ‘tort tax’ amounts to $865 billion cost each year

America’s legal system imposes an economic cost of more than $865 billion, or more than $9,800 per family, every year, according to a new study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. …