Economy News


All eyes on Allstate “I will carefully monitor Allstate’s actions throughout this process to ensure that policyholders entitled to reinstatement are fully protected.” — Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon commenting on the settlement his department reached with the insurer …

Wash.’s Gregoire declares “rate holiday”

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire announced that a partial “rate holiday” has been finalized by the Department of Labor and Industries, designed to save workers and employers about $315 million in workers’ compensation insurance premiums. Beginning July 1, employers and workers …


All eyes on Allstate “I will carefully monitor Allstate’s actions throughout this process to ensure that policyholders entitled to reinstatement are fully protected.” — Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon commenting on the settlement his department reached with the insurer …

Study: Flu Pandemic Could Lead to U.S. Recession

A severe pandemic flu outbreak could result in the second-worst recession in the United States since World War II, with the gross domestic product dropping more than 5.5 percent, according to a report recently published by Trust for America’s Health. …

Neb. Director Says Industry is “Poster Child” on Global Warming

Insurance Commissioner L. Tim Wagner has spent close to 40 years in the insurance industry, the last nine as the appointed Nebraska regulator. He takes his role seriously and believes the insurance industry has a real impact on the economy …

Riley Health Proposal Appeals to Ala. Small Businesses

Chris Williams has to consider several factors when making decisions for his business. One of his most important decisions concerns health insurance for his employees. Williams owns Leisure Creations in Russellville, Ala., a company that produces patio furniture for hotels …

Allianz Joins Institutions to Urge Congress to Act on Climate Change

Money talks and $4 trillion talks very loudly. So loud in fact that a number of institutional investors, who manage a total of $4 trillion in assets, hope to get the attention of U.S. lawmakers. Their goal is to convince …

Allstate Insurance To Open Claims Center in Cheyenne

Allstate Insurance Co. said it intends to open a new claims center in Cheyenne, Wyo., that will bring at least 200 jobs to the city. The company plans to open an Allstate Express call center in the former Trilegiant building …

House Committee Approves Agricultural Disaster Funds

A House committee approved almost $4 billion in agricultural disaster aid late last week, a first step for the controversial legislation. The money is included as part of a war spending bill that would require withdrawal of U.S. troops from …

Study Reveals Potential for $100 Billion Earthquake Loss in Beijing, China

Risk Management Solutions (RMS) announced the preliminary results of a study analyzing the impacts of the 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu Earthquake based on the 2007 population and property exposures of the Beijing, China area. The largest historical earthquake in the vicinity of …