Economy News

Insurance exec: China offers lessons in globalization for U.S. and world

C.V. Starr’s Greenberg on China’s economic revolution and making the world safer through globalization I am not going to talk about regulation, not yet. I will soon but it will not be today — real soon. I cannot wait.” Thus …

Mayor Bloomberg joins call for TRIEA renewal

In urging renewal of the federal terrorism reinsurance program, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg noted that the city is doing its part. He reported that the N.Y. City police department has built counterterrorism operations that are responding to threats …

Tim Wagner, Nebraska, Director of Insurance

Director of Insurance L. Tim Wagner has spent close to 40 years in the insurance industry, the last nine as the appointed Nebraska regulator. He takes his role seriously and believes the insurance industry has a real impact on the …

Calif.’s Feinstein, Boxer Urge Federal Disaster Declaration for Freeze

President Bush’s signature is the last step needed to get federal disaster money flowing to the 31 California counties that were hit hard in the January freeze, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said. The freeze devastated more than $1.32 billion in citrus …

EEEC Conducts San Diego Restaurant Enforcement Sweeps

Investigators with the Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition (EEEC) issued 23 citations in March to businesses in the restaurant industry. A total of 32 restaurants were visited in San Diego and Orange Counties during the sweep. EEEC is a multi-agency …

N.Y. Workers’ Comp Reform Sails Through Senate, Assembly

The New York State Senate and Assembly on Tuesday passed legislation its bipartisan backers hope will significantly reform the state’s workers’ compensation system and save employers as much as $1 billion. The bill aims to reduce employer costs, which are …

U.S. Needs Terrorism Insurance to Compete Globally, Says N.Y.’s Dinallo

A continuing federal role in terrorism insurance is important so that U.S. financial centers including New York City can continue to compete with international markets, many of which are already covered by similar government insurance programs, New York Acting Superintendent …

New Mass. Commissioner Accustomed to Being the Judge

The new insurance commissioner for Massachusetts, who started on the job this week, thinks her years of experience in a judge’s robe will serve her well in her new role, one in which she sees herself as an arbiter of …

Lloyd’s Launches Malaysian Subsidiary

Lloyd’s Chairman Lord Peter Levene made a trip to Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur to help launch the London Market’s new subsidiary there, Lloyd’s Labuan Limited, and the upgrading of its reinsurance license. Lloyd’s bulletin explained that until now it “has …

Industry: Federal Terrorism Insurance Still Vital to National Security

Insurance industry advocates urged Congress today to ensure the availability of terrorism risk insurance through a continued federal government role and to examine long-term solutions before the current backstop legislation, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act (TRIEA) of 2005, expires …