Economy News

Study shows Texas economy vulnerable to Cat 3-sized coastal storm

A study commissioned by the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) shows that the economy of the entire state of Texas would be severely impacted if a Category 3-type hurricane were to hit heavily populated areas of the Texas Gulf …

Lessons learned from 2005’s Katrina and 2006’s calm hurricane season

It’s been more than a year since Katrina made landfall and businesses are still recovering. Then the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season came and went with barely a blip — despite initial projections by some that there would be two to …

Calif. commissioner to examine broker disclosure, workers’ comp issues

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner may have three major priorities for his office — to make his office non-partisan, to fight insurance fraud and to prepare the state for the next major disaster — but that doesn’t mean he won’t …

Poll: Ala. Small Firms Back Riley’s Health Insurance Tax Break

Ninety percent of small business owners responding to a poll taken by the National Federation of Independent Business in Alabama support providing tax incentives for small businesses to provide health insurance for their employees, a proposal that Gov. Bob Riley …

One-on-one interviews with 15 insurance regulators

One-on-one interviews with 15 insurance regulators At a recent meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Insurance Journal sat down with 15 insurance regulators to talk about issues affecting their state insurance markets, as well as industry-wide concerns. Regulators …

Industry forecast predicts slower premium growth in 2007 and 2008

Despite slow-down, industry still anticipates underwriting profits Most insurance industry analysts predict slower P/C premium growth for 2007, according to an Insurance Information Institute’s annual survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals released each year on Feb. 2, …

P/C industry may be long overdue for massive losses from an extreme “great” earthquake

>Study says industry could suffer from a $100 million loss The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry is long overdue for heavy losses from a massive earthquake, reports A.M. Best in its recent “2006 Annual Earthquake Study.” It is likely that if …

Lloyd’s climbs on the climate change bandwagon

There’s little doubt that the world is getting warmer. But this raises more questions. To what extent are greenhouse gasses, particularly CO2, responsible? Will the warming trend continue? Are there any effective measures that can be taken to slow down …

Lessons learned from 2005’s Katrina and 2006’s calm hurricane season

It’s been more than a year since Katrina made landfill and businesses are still recovering. Then the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season came and went with barely a blip — despite initial projections by some that there would be two to …

News Currents

Calif. commissioner to examine broker disclosure, workers’ comp issues California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner may have three major priorities for his office — to make his office non-partisan, to fight insurance fraud and to prepare the state for the next …