Economy News


A VULNERABLE TEXAS ECONOMY Study shows effect of coastal storm on state CATASTROPHE COVERAGE 10 ways to help clients cope

8 Feds, Corps not immune in La. flood suit

Judge refuses to dismiss case 10 Texas economy vulnerable to massive coastal storm Study shows how whole state could be affected N1 Forecast predicts slower premium growth in 2007 and 2008 Underwriting profits expected but at a much smaller rate …

Lessons learned from 2005’s Katrina and 2006’s calm hurricane season

It’s been more than a year since Katrina made landfill and businesses are still recovering. Then the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season came and went with barely a blip — despite initial projections by some that there would be two to …

News Currents

Calif. commissioner to examine broker disclosure, workers’ comp issues California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner may have three major priorities for his office — to make his office non-partisan, to fight insurance fraud and to prepare the state for the next …

Industry forecast predicts slower premium growth in 2007 and 2008

News Currents Most insurance industry analysts predict slower P/C premium growth for 2007, according to an Insurance Information Institute’s annual survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals released each year on Feb. 2, Groundhog Day. This year’s survey …

Nebraska – L. Tim Wagner

Insurance Commissioner L. Tim Wagner has spent close to 40 years in the insurance industry, the last nine as the appointed Nebraska regulator. He takes his role seriously and believes the insurance industry has a real impact on the economy …

P/C industry may be long overdue for massive losses from an extreme “great” earthquake

The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry is long overdue for heavy losses from a massive earthquake, reports A.M. Best in its recent “2006 Annual Earthquake Study.” It is likely that if an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude occurred in San Francisco today, …

Lloyd’s climbs on the climate change bandwagon

There’s little doubt that the world is getting warmer. But this raises more questions. To what extent are greenhouse gasses, particularly CO2, responsible? Will the warming trend continue? Are there any effective measures that can be taken to slow down …

Study Shows Doubling of Insurance Industry Growth in Iowa

Employment in the state’s insurance industry doubled during a 15-year period ending in 2005, with workers in the industry making far more than other nonfarm employees, a new study found. The study, by Iowa State University economist David Swenson, found …

Industry Forecast Predicts Slower Premium Growth, But Underwriting Profit in 2007 and 2008

Most insurance industry analysts predict slower P/C premium growth for 2007, according to an Insurance Information Institute’s annual survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals released each year on Feb. 2, Groundhog Day. This year’s survey results indicate …