Economy News

Be Fair to CSRs

Insurance customer service and claims representatives may not have realized it, but when they fail to do their jobs, they are contributing to the insurance fraud problem. According to a survey by Accenture, more than half (55 percent) of U.S. …

100 Number of days past a July deadline the California Legislature took to pass a budget. Legislative action was stalled when Democrats and Republicans couldn’t agree on areas to reduce spending to close the $19 billion budget deficit. Without a …

California’s Commissioner Hopefuls

Unlike many voters, the hundreds and thousands of independent insurance agents and brokers in California know the November 2 election will be a pivotal one. After all, on that day, Californians will select a new insurance commissioner, charged with regulating …

Assemblyman Mike Villines

Republican Mike Villines was elected to the California Assembly in 2004 to represent the counties of Fresno and Madera. He serves on the board of the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides educational programs for leaders of …

Layoffs Don’t Have to Mean Lawsuits

The difficult economic conditions of the past few years are on top of most people’s minds. Challenging economic circumstances are adversely impacting individuals and proving destructive to public entities. The weak economy affects cities and counties everywhere, and no person …

Workers’ Compensation Results Spiral Down

The nation’s workers’ compensation insurance industry’s underwriting performance has continued to weaken as the composite combined ratio deteriorated 8.8 percentage points to 120.0 in 2009, representing the highest combined ratio posted by the composite since it recorded a 118.6 in …

The Power of More

Why the Time is Right for Agency Networks They go by many names — networks, alliances, franchises, clusters and aggregators — but all have similar goals. Aggregator groups have been around the insurance industry for more than three decades but …

Home Insurance Customer Satisfaction Declines But ‘Bundlers’ Happy

Overall customer satisfaction with homeowners insurance companies has declined to the lowest level in five years, primarily due to decreases in satisfaction with policy offerings and customer service, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2010 U.S. National Homeowners Insurance …

Lloyd’s McGovern Navigates Turbulent U.S. Waters; Part I

A recent article in Lloyd’s “Market” magazine noted that Sean McGovern, General Counsel and, since February 2010, the Director of Lloyd’s North America, “loves to mess about in boats in his spare time.” As he’s now responsible for two posts, …

Securities Lawsuits Continue High Pace Despite Easing of Financial Crisis

New securities lawsuits sparked by the credit crisis have all but disappeared, but the pace of securities lawsuit filings in the third quarter continued at elevated credit crisis-like levels. With 284 suits filed in the third quarter, 2010 is on …