Economy News

Commissioners, compensation rules, earthquakes made for shaky ground

In the era when cowboys and gold panners roamed, the West was characterized as a wild yet adventurous place to live. Judging by 2006’s insurance industry headlines, those sentiments don’t seem to have changed. In the past year, agents and …

Professional liability in a financial world

Terrorism, corporate scandals and regulation make way for institutional change What professional liability exposures do financial institutions face today? Have risks significantly changed since 2001? If so, why? Major events have had a direct impact on insurers, agents and the …

Down to mirth

Insurance is a serous business. It’s not easy finding humor in the insurance headlines. But in 2006, a few stories that brought a smile snuck through the disasters and dire warnings. No belly laughs, for sure, but a little relief …

2006: Mother Nature and political deals made 2006 an unsettling year

From Maine to Virginia, agents and adjusters helped property owners dig out from damaging floods. High waters seemed to hit a new state every week. Meanwhile, these same agents had to worry about whether their income was at stake due …


No long-term negatives “Fortunately lawmakers did not pass legislation that will have negative long-term consequences for consumers and the insurance market.” — Greg LaCost, assistant vice president and regional manager for Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI), commenting on …

Down to mirth

Insurance is a serous business. It’s not easy finding humor in the insurance headlines. But in 2006, a few stories that brought a smile snuck through the disasters and dire warnings. No belly laughs, for sure, but a little relief …

Insurance issues have been key in Southeast’s ongoing recovery

While Mother Nature was nicer to the Southeast and the insurance industry in 2006 than she was in 2005, her potential for destruction was never far from the minds of those living and rebuilding in the Southeast. Insurance remained a …

Top 10 Stories of the Year – East

From Maine to Virginia, agents and adjusters helped property owners dig out from damaging floods. High waters seemed to hit a new state every week. Meanwhile, these same agents had to worry about whether their income was at stake due …

Editor’s Note: Down to mirth

Insurance is a serous business. It’s not easy finding humor in the insurance headlines. But in 2006, a few stories that brought a smile snuck through the disasters and dire warnings. No belly laughs, for sure, but a little relief …

Editor’s Note: Down to mirth

Insurance is a serous business. It’s not easy finding humor in the insurance headlines. But in 2006, a few stories that brought a smile snuck through the disasters and dire warnings. No belly laughs, for sure, but a little relief …