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Economy News

Fla. Orders 15.7% Workers’ Comp Cut

A significant drop in workers compensation claims frequency and a reduction in the cost of claims have triggered a larger-than-recommended decrease in rates, at the bidding of Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty. The National Council on Compensation Insurance has filed …

New Mexico Workers Compensation Insurance Rates are Cut

Rates are being cut for New Mexico workers’ compensation insurance premiums. The state Insurance Department has approved overall rate reductions of 4.2 percent for the voluntary market and 1.3 percent for the assigned risk pool, state officials said. The new …

Wildlife Making Texas Highways Hazardous

The increasing number of motorists and deer in Texas are leading to a greater frequency of collisions between the two on the state’s roadways. Cooler weather and the annual rut season should make for even more hazardous conditions in the …

Governor’s Race Heats Up; 2nd Debate Held in Western Michigan

A hard-charging Dick DeVos showed up for the second gubernatorial debate Tuesday night, one who accused Michigan Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm of lying and blamed her for the state’s economic woes. “We’re the only state that has lost jobs in …

Contingency Pay is Critical for Survival, N.C. Agents Reminded

Wrongdoings by mega insurance brokers have triggered a discussion that contingency commissions are bad, yet those contingency commissions can make or break a typical independent agency, an agent leader told North Carolina agents. “Half of all agencies in the U.S. …

Report: U.S. Economy Headed for Slow Growth But Not Recession

Varied economic indicators are now pointing to a period of slow growth ahead in the U.S., but not a recession, according to an analysis by The Conference Board, the research and business membership organization. “The challenge for both the Federal …

Litigation Trends Continue to Mount Worldwide; Insurers Face Five Times the Average Number of Lawsuits

Insurance companies are the litigation champions confronting an average of 1,696 lawsuits, spanning from product liability and environmental class actions to directors and officers claims, and even coverage fights over hurricanes and terrorist attacks, according to a new survey of …

Political science

The National Science Board is an independent advisory body to the president and Congress on national science and engineering policy. It is currently advising President Bush and Congress that the government needs to do more to understand and protect against …

Calif. attorney general sues automakers over global warming

Automakers should be held liable for contributions to global warming, according to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer. Thus, he recently filed a lawsuit against leading U.S. and Japanese auto manufacturers, alleging their vehicle emissions contribute significantly to global warming, harm …

Editor’s Note: Political science

The National Science Board is an independent advisory body to the president and Congress on national science and engineering policy. It is currently advising President Bush and Congress that the government needs to do more to understand and protect against …