Economy News

Source: Kuwait’s Investment Authority Commits $1 Billion to AIA IPO

American International Group Inc received a $1 billion commitment from Kuwait Investment Authority for the IPO of its Asian unit, the first major investment inked before the mega offering’s roughly $15 billion launch. KIA, the country’s sovereign wealth fund, is …

6 Characteristics of the Best Agencies Today

Sales Focus, Employee Appreciation, Compensation and Planning All Key Element The best way to get to the top fast is to do the same things that those who are already there are doing. Essentially, management should practice and emulate the …

Workers’ Compensation Results Continue in Downward Spiral

The nation’s workers’ compensation insurance industry’s underwriting performance has continued to weaken as the composite combined ratio deteriorated 8.8 percentage points to 120.0 in 2009, representing the highest combined ratio posted by the composite since it recorded a 118.6 in …

Stronger Economic Times Add to Recruitment Challenges

People are a company’s greatest asset. Yet finding the right people is often challenging, particularly in the insurance industry. While the economic downturn put a hold on hiring for many firms, the seemingly steady recovery of the U.S. and Canadian …

Old Republic Completes PMA Acquisition

Chicago-based insurance holding company Old Republic International Corp. has completed its acquisition of PMA Capital Corp. In connection with the closing of the merger, Pennsylvania-based PMA changed its name to PMA Cos. Inc. Al Zucaro, chairman and CEO of Old …

Lloyd’s Chairman Warns on Peril of Over-Regulation; Urges Growth

Lloyd’s Chairman, Lord Peter Levene warned a receptive audience at Lloyd’s City dinner that the current focus on regulation should not get in the way of strategies for future growth. His speech was addressed to two hundred of London’s leading …

White House Slashes Bailout Cost Estimate After AIG Exit Deal

The U.S. financial bailout will cost less than $50 billion, the Obama administration said Thursday, slashing a prior estimate by more than half on the back of a new plan to sell the government’s stake in insurer American International Group. …

How Will TARP Bailout Plan Be Remembered?

It may have staved off a financial system meltdown, but the U.S. Treasury’s $700 billion bailout program is so reviled by the public that its distaste may rub off on incumbent Democrats in November elections. What goes into the history …

Benmosche Shares How AIG Plans to Reimburse Taxpayers

American International Group Inc. and the U.S. government laid out a plan for the insurer to repay its $182.3 billion taxpayer bailout, just over two years after it was rescued from the brink of collapse. The deal, reached after AIG’s …

Best Southeast Agency to Work For: Seitlin

The employees at Florida-based insurance agency and advisory services firm Seitlin appreciate their salaries, bonuses and wellness program. But for them, their working environment is exemplary not just for what the agency does for them but also for what the …