Economy News

E&O Insights: “Let Me Think About It … “

When uttered together by a client, the five words in the headline of this article are — potentially — very dangerous words. Note the following claim and ask yourself, “Could this happen in my agency?” The insured apparently has a …

2010 a Revolutionary Year for Truckers Insurance

The year 2010 might be considered revolutionary, as it is ushering in more changes for those who provide insurance for truckers than the industry has seen in a decade. Motor carriers, defined as anyone who uses a vehicle that has …

FEMA: States Need Time to Review Flood Map

After facing strong opposition during a public meeting in Arkansas, a top federal official wants to give cities and towns in the Mississippi Delta more time to review maps that outline where flood insurance would be required. Craig Fugate, administrator …

Congress’s inability to act leaves many in flood prone areas vulnerable – for the second time this year and the fourth in 12 months’ time. When it rains it pours, as the saying goes. By extension, one could say that …

2010 A Revolutionary Year for Truckers Insurance

The year 2010 might be considered revolutionary, as it is ushering in more changes for those who provide insurance for truckers than the industry has seen in a decade. Motor carriers, defined as anyone who uses a vehicle that has …

The Competitive Advantage

To Partner or Not? How to Make Partnerships Work and What to Do When They Don’t Do you have a partner you wish you didn’t? Or are you a sole owner and wish you had a partner? I deal with …

Rough Road for Trucking in the New Economy

Rising Taxes, Inflation Will Force Insurance Market to a ‘Déjà vu All Over Again’ The insurance industry has a long history for cyclical price adjusting, featuring long periods of marginal to inadequate premiums followed by relatively brief, startling and disruptive …

Near National P/C Carriers Identified for 2010

The Demotech Company Classification System Shows 62 Carriers Meet Critieria The original criteria and objective definition for the Near Nationals was established in the Feb. 12, 2007 issue of Insurance Journal. The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into one …

Coastal Trends

As the hurricane season gains momentum, a new U.S. Census Bureau report, Coastline Population Trends in the United States: 1960 to 2008, helps put into perspective the number of Americans living along the coast who could be affected by storms …

Insurers Divest Nearly $400M in Iran-Related Assets

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced that his focus on reducing the exposure of California policyholders to risky Iran-related investments resulted in insurers selling nearly one-fifth of the assets the industry holds in the 50 companies the California Department of …