Economy News

Reinsurance Rendezvous Focuses on Euro Zone, Interest Rates, Capital

For once there’s no natural catastrophe hanging over the annual Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo (the 56th edition). Tropical storm Leslie missed Bermuda and Hurricane Michael is safely out in the Atlantic. But that doesn’t mean there are few concerns …

Drought, Low Export Demand Sap Midwest Economy

An August survey suggests that the continuing drought and lessening export demand for U.S. products are among the drains on the economy in nine Midwest and Plains states, according to a report released Tuesday. The Mid-America Business Conditions Index remained …

Euro Zone Skirts Slump; Reprieve Seen Short-lived

The euro zone economy narrowly skirted recession in the first half of the year, but austerity programs across the region and a debt crisis weighing ever more heavily on its periphery suggest the reprieve will be short-lived. Gross domestic product …

India’s Basic Realities May Confound New Finance Minister’s Reform Agenda

The return of a pro-market reformer to India’s finance ministry has cheered investors and contributed to a market rally, but Palaniappan Chidambaram will need both political deftness and some luck to tackle the problems dragging the economy down. Faced with …

Survey: Small Business Optimism Drops, But Remains In Positive Territory

The Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index fell six points to positive 17 in a survey conducted in July that reflects on the third quarter, but one economist who worked on the poll is taking the positive view that following the …

ECB Head Sends Strong Signal Bank Will Act to Protect Euro Zone

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi pledged on Thursday to do whatever was necessary to protect the euro zone from collapse, sending a strong signal that inflated Spanish and Italian borrowing costs were in his sights. Fears about the euro …

World Bank Head Warns No Region Immune to Europe Debt Crisis

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on Wednesday warned that most regions of the world will be hurt by the debt crisis enveloping the euro zone and said it was vital to protect the strong economic gains of the past …

Geneva Association Survey Targets ‘Inappropriate Regulation,’ Economic Crisis

A bulletin from the insurance think tank The Geneva Association notes that “leaders of the insurance industry have significant concerns about the effects of inappropriate regulation and the effects of the current economic crisis,” according to a survey it conducted. …

IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Emerging Economies Slow

The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth and warned that the outlook could dim further if policymakers in the euro zone do not act with enough force and speed to quell their region’s debt crisis. …

No Let Up in Gloom for Europe’s Biggest Economies

All of Europe’s biggest economies are in recession or heading there and there is little sign things will improve soon, surveys showed on Wednesday, backing a growing view that the region’s major central banks are poised to ease policy this …