Economy News

Congressional Panel Criticizes Government Over AIG Bailout

A watchdog panel says it’s still unclear whether U.S. taxpayers will ever fully recoup the $182 billion they plowed into American International Group Inc., and the government should have used up all its options before bailing out the crippled insurance …

Mississippi Supreme Court Hears Premises Shooting Liability Case

The owners of a Belzoni convenience store shouldn’t be liable after a man was shot and wounded in its parking lot, attorneys for the business told the Mississippi Supreme Court this week. Justices heard arguments in the appeal of a …

Mississippi, Florida AGs Putting Pressure on BP

Attorneys general in Florida and Mississippi are upping the political pressure on BP over the oil gusher that is threatening their states and the entire Gulf Coast. Florida Attorney General McCollum sent a letter to BP asking the company to …

Coface Receives Russian License; Aims to Be European Rating Agency

Credit insurer Coface announced from its Paris headquarters that the Russian state authority for insurance (FSSN) has granted a license to its subsidiary “ZAO Coface Rus Insurance Company” based in Moscow. Coface is the first international credit insurer to obtain …

Let Michigan Insurance Consumers Tailor Auto Coverage

Imagine you live in a town where anyone who dines out is required to buy a $200 bottle of champagne with their meal. That sounds crazy, but it is essentially what is happening to insurers in Michigan, where they are …

‘Green Energy Systems’ Now ‘Essential’ Says Lloyd’s

“Green energy systems are no longer just ‘nice to have,’ but are essential in securing our energy supply and protecting the environment,” according to a new report from Lloyd’s 360 Risk Insight and UK think tank Chatham House, entitled: Sustainable …

Insurers Worry EU Could Extend Bank Levy to Other Financial Firms

The European Union could extend a planned levy beyond banks to other financial services firms, according to a report outlining the bloc’s message to G20 leaders who meet soon to tackle reform of the industry. The statement is likely to …

G20 Finance Ministers Don’t Even Try to ‘Spin’ Impact of Europe’s Debt Crisis

Finance ministers can usually be relied upon to put the best spin on whatever is happening to the global economy. Not at this weekend’s Group of 20 meeting in Busan. The two days of talks were remarkable for ministers’ candor …

Congress’s inability to act leaves many in flood prone areas vulnerable – for the second time this year and the fourth in 12 months’ time. When it rains it pours, as the saying goes. By extension, one could say that …

Car Insurance Mandate Begins in Wisconsin

All Wisconsin drivers were required to carry auto liability insurance beginning June 1, but the question remains as to how many will follow the law. Only about 15 percent of the state’s drivers are currently uninsured, roughly the same percentage …