Economy News

Securities Lawsuits Drop as Global Credit Crisis Eases: Advisen

After dominating securities litigation for three years, new securities lawsuit filings related to the global credit crisis all but disappeared in the first quarter of 2010. According to Advisen Ltd’s latest quarterly report on securities litigation, overall new securities lawsuit …

Allstate Seeking to Appoint 130 Agents in Texas in 2010

Allstate Insurance Company appointed 122 exclusive agents in Texas in 2009 and is seeking to appoint another 130 agents in the state in 2010. “We see a significant opportunity in the current economy to attract mid-career, mid-level managers to own …

Illinois Gov. Signs Bill Creating Tax Credit for Small Businesses

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed a bill into law that that is expected to boost Illinois’ economy by creating up to 20,000 jobs over the next year at small businesses across the state. Senate Bill 1578 creates the Illinois …

Arizona Insurance Industry Contributes $1.2 Trillion in Assets to State

The more than 940 property/casualty insurers in Arizona that compete for business add more than $1.2 trillion in assets to the state, that enables Arizonans to drive cars, own homes, protect their property and operate businesses, according to the state’s …

Florida Chief McCarty: Facts, Not Fear, Should Guide Insurance Debate

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty sent a letter to the state’s media outlets on April 9 regarding the current property insurance system and what should be done to improve it. In it, he says the exodus of national carriers from …

Some Miners Say Massey Energy Lax on Safety; Other Locals Defend Firm

The company that owns the West Virginia mine where at least 25 workers died in the worst U.S. mining disaster for a quarter century puts profits ahead of workers welfare, some former employees said Wednesday. Questions have been raised about …

International Insider: Multinationals and Money Laundering

As the international community steps up its efforts to fight money laundering, a number of countries are now requiring insurers to obtain additional information from their customers to screen out possible bad actors. For multinationals interested in doing business in …

Rhode Island Officials Say Grants, Not Loans Needed for Floods

Several of Rhode Island’s elected officials said Monday they are pushing to secure federal grants instead of loans for hundreds of businesses trying to recover from the worst flooding in 200 years, although a week after flood waters first creeped …

Study Says Northeast Seeing More, Fiercer Rainstorms

The Northeast is seeing more frequent “extreme precipitation events” in line with global warming predictions, a study shows, including storms like the recent fierce rains whose floodwaters swallowed neighborhoods and businesses across New England. The study does not link last …

Irish Re/Insurance Market ‘Holding up’ Despite Financial Crisis, Says DIMA CEO

Ireland in general and Dublin in particular are in a financial crisis but the insurance and reinsurance sectors appear to be weathering the storm. In a recent interview, Sarah Goddard, CEO of the Dublin International Insurance Management Association (DIMA), said …