Economy News

I.I.I.’s Hartwig Contrasts Impact of Chilean, Haitian Earthquakes

Why was he death toll over 200,000 when an earthquake struck Haiti, while so far less than 1000 people have died from the one that struck Chile, which was approximately 500 times more powerful? One of the answers lies in …

Mass. AG Coakley Opposes Proposed Workers’ Compensation Rate Hike

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said she opposes an insurance industry request to raise workers’ compensation premiums by about four percent this year. She said the hike would put an “additional strain” on employers already struggling in a tough economy. …

America’s Seniors Not a Retiring Bunch

With the economy’s ill health continuing and their own personal health improving, America’s senior citizens are not retiring like they used to. In fact, more of them are working every day. Since the late 1980s, the labor force has seen …

Nebraska-Based Survey Suggests Midwest Economy Is Improving

The February Business Conditions Index for the Mid-America region, a leading economic indicator from a survey of supply managers in a nine-state area, rose for a third straight month pointing to improving economic growth in the months ahead, according to …

Social Service Organizations in Tough Economic Times

It’s no secret that nonprofits are feeling the effects of a battered economy. Donations are down. State and federal funding are also down. Insurance providers say they are keeping a close watch on changing exposures in the wake of necessary …

Berkshire Net Rises; Buffett Says CEOs Should Pay for Bad Risk Control

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said fourth-quarter profit surged, helped by derivatives bets tied to global stock markets, though operating profit fell 40 percent as the weakened economy weighed on several businesses. Profit rose for a third quarter, as Berkshire …

Nevada Assembly Rejects Insurance Verification Cameras

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons amended his proclamation for the Legislature’s special session to include sweeping reforms to collective bargaining, education, water law — and said lawmakers should be quick about their businesses to plug a $900 million budget hole. The …

California AG Subpoenas Health Plans Over Claims Denials and Rate Hikes

Los Angeles-Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr., who has an ongoing investigation into possibly illegal practices by some California health insurers, has subpoenaed financial records and other documents from California’s seven largest health insurance companies. “We have been looking at …

Allianz 2009 Net Income up 13% at $6.4 Billion

Germany’s Allianz Group posted preliminary figures for 2009, indicating that its net income rose by 13.2 percent to €4.7 billion [$6.4 billion]. Revenues were up up 5.2 percent to €97.4 billion [$132.5 billion]. Life and Health revenues exceeded €50 billion …

Insurance Fraud Reportedly Increasing in Virginia

The number of suspected insurance fraud notifications received by the Virginia State Police are continuing to increase, according to the Insurance Fraud Program’s 2009 Annual Report Last year, the Insurance Fraud Program received a record 2,078 notifications of suspected insurance …