Economy News

South Carolina Eyes Lawsuit Limits to Help Economy

South Carolina’s economic recovery could be helped by new limits on lawsuits, claims a business group in urging state lawmakers to consider legislation to do just that. The Senate Judiciary committee is weighing legislation that would broaden 2005 limits placed …

It Figures

39% Upper limit of rate increase some individual Anthem Blue Cross of California customers could see, if the company implements its proposed rate increase. Anthem wanted to implement the increase on March 1 and blamed the weak economy and rising …

A Recurrence of Recalls; ‘PIGS’ in a Poke; Lloyd’s Powers on; Haiti Now Faces Floods and Hurricanes

First Toyota, then Honda – who’s next? 2010 is not starting out as a good year for car companies. Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp. was already in the process of recalling approximately 8 million vehicles, due to problems with the accelerator …

101 Things Young Agents Like MOST

The exclusive 2010 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked independent agents 40 years old and younger: What do you like most about being an independent agent? Here’s what some of the 631 agents who responded had to say: The freedom …

Recycle a Retiree to Evangelize Your Agency

Old Folks Are Finally Good for Something Aging is a fatal disease that is venerated in some cultures and dissed by others. In ours, it is clearly the latter. Too many post-baby boomers believe that honoring one’s elders is a …

Risks in a Bad Economy

Agents Take Note of New Errors and Omissions Exposures The current economic turmoil is wreaking havoc across the board. Businesses are downsizing or going out of business. Families are suffering from lost jobs and financial woes. The insurance industry has …

50 Things Young Agents Like LEAST

The exclusive 2010 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked independent agents 40 years old and younger what they like least about being an independent agent. Here’s what some of the 631 agents who responded had to say: 1 Prospecting new …

Fewer Pedestrian Accidents in Reno

Reno, Nev., police say stepped up safety enforcement in crosswalks and bicycle lanes is paying off. Sgt. Wes Myers says the enforcement program resulted in a 51 percent decrease in the number of pedestrian-related crashes in the city during the …

United America Indemnity Plans to Re-Domicile in Ireland

United America Indemnity has announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously approved a plan to re-domicile from the Cayman Islands to Ireland. The Company’s shareholders will be asked to vote in favor of completing the reorganization proposal at a …

AMP Hints it May Improve AXA Asia Bid

Australia’s No.2 wealth manager AMP Ltd signaled on Thursday that it had room to improve its $11.6 billion bid for AXA Asia Pacific, but said it had yet to decide on its next move. AMP is in a bid battle …