Economy News

65 Speed Limit

With the economy’s ill health continuing and their own personal health improving, America’s senior citizens are not retiring like they used to. In fact, more of them are working every day. Since the late 1980s, the labor force has seen …

Social Service Organizations in Tough Times

Brokers Keep Watchful Eye as Tough Economy Forces Workforce, Program Changes It’s no secret that nonprofits are feeling the effects of a battered economy. Donations are down. State and federal funding is also down. In the wake of necessary cost-cutting …

Hales Reports Brokerage M&As Down 40% in 2009; Expects Better 2010

A prolonged soft market coupled with the worst economic period since the Great Depression as well as uncertainty related to national health care reform, caused insurance brokerage buyers and sellers to struggle with how to effectively carry out their growth …

Property Casualty Market’s Love Affair With Main Street Business

Why Small Business Means Big Business for Insurers and Brokers Alike Main Street business often means different things to different people, but it generally refers to small commercial establishments that would be found in towns and villages across the United …

Age and Wisdom

Top 100 Agency Profile Agency Name: Marshall and Sterling Enterprises Inc. Headquarters: Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Year Founded: 1864 Additional Locations: 17 2008 Total Premium Volume: $342 million Property/Casualty: $289 million Other than P/C: $53 million % Commercial: 65% of total % …

65 Speed Limit

With the economy’s ill health continuing and their own personal health improving, America’s senior citizens are not retiring like they used to. In fact, more of them are working every day. Since the late 1980s, the labor force has seen …

Mississippi Homeowners Learning How Credit Score Affects Insurance Premium

Mississippi Gulf Coast policyholders are well aware a hurricane is guaranteed to hike insurance rates, but fewer realize their credit reports also are factored into homeowner and automobile insurance premiums. Consumers who have suffered financial setbacks because of the economy …

Insurers Decry Overturn of Illinois Med-Mal Caps; Attorneys Praise Ruling

The American Bar Association says the Illinois Supreme Court was right in striking down as unconstitutional the caps on non-economic damage awards in medical malpractice cases. Insurer groups, however, say the decision will add to rising health care costs and …

Report: Economic Benefits of Levees Outweigh Flooding Costs

Despite the massive flooding resulting from levee breaches and storm surge during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the economic benefits provided by flood control measures in Southeast Louisiana far outweigh the costs of widespread damage from flooding, according to one researcher. …

Willis Posts Q4, Full Year Gains

Willis Group Holdings has reported gains in most segments of its business in the fourth quarter and for the year ended December 31, 2009. Willis listed the following Q4 highlights: — Reported earnings per diluted share from continuing operations of …