Economy News

Obama Official Questions Need for Insurance Antitrust Exemption

There are “strong indications” that the justifications for the insurance industry’s limited antitrust exemption that existed in 1945, when McCarran-Ferguson was enacted, are no longer valid, an Obama administration official told Congress this week. However, the Department of Justice official …

Climate Talks May Go to Last Minute

The world may have to wait until the dying seconds of a U.N. climate summit in December for a global deal to channel business dollars into low-carbon energy, industry and analysts said on Wednesday. Senior executives warned progress so far …

Delaware City Sees Significant Increase in Kitchen Fires

Dover Fire Chief Sean Christiansen says a substantial increase in kitchen fires may be tied to the downturn in the economy because more people are cooking at home. Christiansen said Wednesday that firefighters have already received 138 reports of kitchen …

California Governor Vetoes Auto Insurance Program

A state-backed low-cost automobile insurance for Californians is threatened following Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto of a bill that would have extended the program until 2016. The veto has consumer groups calling foul. They say the bill had bipartisan support and …

US Needs ‘Better Offers’ on Services from Doha Round Says Trade Rep

The United States cannot agree to a deal in the Doha round of world trade talks until other countries make better offers to open their markets to services trade, the top U.S. trade official said Tuesday. “We know that the …

California Commissioner Questions Workers’ Comp Increase

California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner is indicating that he may not support the state Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s (WCIRB) request to increase the Workers Compensation Cost Claims Benchmark by 22.8 percent. Poizner released a statement Tuesday in which he …

FERMA Welcomes 1100 to Prague Risk Management Conference

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations convened its bi-annual conference in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, on Monday, welcoming some 1100 attendees, and two new members. Newly installed president, Peter den Dekker, Corporate Insurance Risk Manager for …

Trustee Sues Madoff Family Members for $198 Million

A court-appointed trustee sued the brother, sons and a niece of imprisoned fraudster Bernard Madoff Friday for $198 million, accusing them of milking the family-run business while they were executives of the firm. “The Family Members were completely derelict in …

Montana Ponzi Scheme Investigation Continues

The state and a court-appointed receiver continue to inventory the assets of two Polson men and their companies as they seek to recover money for those who invested in what the state calls a $14 million Ponzi scheme. Keith Kovick …

London: International Insurance Center

Systems Changes, Technology, Talent Pool Position London Market for the Future London’s insurance market comprises general carriers, specialty carriers, reinsurers, brokers, underwriters, claims handlers, lawyers, accountants and their adjuncts, who work together to sell “The City’s” – London’s financial and …