Economy News

UK Insurance Institute Asks – Has the Offshore Bubble Finally Burst?

The UK’s Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has concluded that the offshoring of business services faces a difficult future, which it anticipates will have a serious impact on the insurance industry. The CII thinkpiece, “Outsourcing: Continued prosperity despite the global economic …

Bailed Out Firms Making Compensation Subject to Government Approval

Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and AIG are forging new employment contracts that let them void compensation agreements if they are challenged by the U.S. government, according to a person familiar with some recent contracts. According to excerpts of …

China to Consider Climate Change Resolution

China’s top legislature will consider a draft resolution on climate change next week, state media said, after a report by the country’s policy experts said the government should take action so the country’s carbon dioxide emissions peak around 2030. China …

Florida Population Drops for First Time Since 1946

Florida’s population has declined for the first time in 63 years, state researchers said as they blamed the recession for plunging tax revenues and a steep drop in new residents. The decline — 58,000 people over the past year — …

Michigan Insurers Balk As Democrats Advance ‘Bad Faith’ Legislation

Michigan insurance companies say that so-called “bad faith” bills approved by the House Insurance Committee today are unnecessary and will open the floodgates for lawsuits against them, eventually costing consumers money. Meanwhile, House Democrats who are sponsors of the “bad …

Love of Language Leads Insurance Agent to Hispanic Market

At first glance, Kathryn Soderberg would seem an unlikely candidate for an insurance agent whose expertise in marketing to Hispanic customers lands her gigs on radio talk shows and leading Hispanic market training sessions for large insurance companies. Soderberg, president …

Charities Get Lucky Strike With Industry Sponsored Bowling Tournament

Golf is often the sport of choice when insurance groups pick an activity for their charity fundraiser. But the insurance industry in San Diego has found it can strike up just as much fun with bowling. The San Diego Insurance …

Car Dealers in the Storm: Dealers Left Standing Will Be Stronger, Leaner

Some automobile shoppers may be abandoning car makers but insurance carriers and brokers remain dedicated partners, experts say. Yet no one can deny that tough times have fallen on many of the nation’s car dealers who seem to be caught …

Berkshire Hathway Q2 Profit Up, Insurance Underwriting Down

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. posted its best quarter in nearly two years, as recovering stock markets boosted the value of its equity investments and derivatives bets. Operating earnings for the second quarter nevertheless fell short of forecasts, reflecting lower …

The More People Think They Know Health Reforms, Opposition Rises

In late January only 17 percent of the public claimed to know much about President Obama’s health care reform proposals. By late July, just before the president’s press conference on July 22, that number had more than doubled, to 36 …