Economy News

El Nino Weather Pattern Increasing Says Australian Weather Bureau

The development of an El Nino weather pattern is increasing and at this stage may be a medium-strength event, but it could take months for it to be officially declared, Australia’s weather bureau said. “We are warming reasonably rapidly. The …

Highways Deaths Declined in Florida in 2008

Highway deaths are at an 8-year low in Florida. Also for the first time since 2000, fewer than 3,000 people lost their lives on the state’s roadways, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reported. There were 2,983 …

California Commissioner Rejects Workers’ Comp Bureau Rate Increase

Citing testimony that self-insured employers have been able to reduce overall workers’ compensation costs, California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has rejected the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s request for a pure premium rate increase of 23.7 percent. While the Department …

More Students Showing Interest in Insurance Careers, Say N.J. Agents

More than ever before, recent graduates are expressing interest in the insurance industry, according to the Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey and New Jersey Young Insurance Professionals. The associations’ joint recruitment campaign at local colleges has collected more than …

Turmoil Breeds Opportunity

A Golden Moment for the Insurance Industry In a time of financial turmoil, we in the insurance industry have an unprecedented opportunity. As capital providers and risk advisers in a time of scarce capital and huge risk, we should seize …

Salvaging Success

How to Boost Your Producers’ and CSRs’ Revenue-Generating Ability in Tough Times As fallout from the U.S. recession builds, there’s a strong drive within this country to stretch the value of virtually everything … and everybody. From dollars and cents …

North Dakota Employers’ Workers’ Comp Bills Likely to Rise

Eight months after North Dakota voters gave Gov. John Hoeven the final word on state workers’ compensation rates, employers’ insurance bills are likely to rise due to the recent bleak market for investments. Hoeven adopted an advisory board’s recommendation that …

State Auto: How a Regional Carrier Weathers the Storms

CEO Restrepo Talks Cat Losses, Premium Growth and Independent Agents Regional property/casualty insurance companies don’t make headlines like the large institutions. They simply go about their business serving customers and independent agents — and paying claims. How are regional insurance …


Slow and Uneven “We will not wake up one morning and say thank goodness this crisis is over. It will be slow. It will be uneven. It will be two steps forward and one step back. That’s how recoveries are.” …

P&C Insurance Industry Will Be Smaller at End of Financial Crisis

I.I.I. President Says Recovery Will Be Slow, Uneven While property and casualty insurance companies remain somewhat insulated from what happens in the general economy, the industry is projected to be smaller, in dollar terms, once the current financial crisis is …