Ed Markey News

U.S. Senate Committee Holding Hearing on Massachusetts Natural Gas Incident

U.S. senators are holding a hearing in Lawrence, Mass., to review the response to the September natural gas explosions that rocked Merrimack Valley communities. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will hold its oversight hearing at the South …

Massachusetts Senators Say Utility ‘Woefully’ Unprepared for Gas Explosions

The natural gas company at the center of the explosions north of Boston last month was “woefully unprepared” to prevent or respond to the unfolding disaster, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey said Friday after a review of internal company …

After Blasts, Massachusetts Gas Customers Face Long Wait

The blast of high-pressure natural gas that led to dozens of home explosions last week in Massachusetts very likely damaged the system’s antiquated pipeline network and could lead to a long period of testing and repairs before full service is …