Edmund Kelly News

Liberty Mutual Group Adds Spain Operations

Liberty Mutual Group is adding to its operations in Spain by purchasing Royal & Sun Alliance’s property and casualty and life insurance operations in the country. The purchase will expand Liberty Mutual Group’s Spanish base, which began when its subsidiary …

Schiff Questions Liberty Demutualization – Heads Group Offering $4.2 Billion

In the Friday edition of Schiff’s Insurance Observer editor David Schiff announced the formation of the Liberty Mutual Defense Fund (LMDF) whose goal is “to acquire Liberty on better terms than those offered to Liberty’s policyholders” under the present demutualization …

ICAT Expands Commercial Quake Program in California

In an effort to expand its commercial earthquake program, International Catastrophe Insurance Managers LLC introduced a new Difference in Conditions policy available in California. ICAT, which also underwrites catastrophe risks in Florida, Texas and the Gulf Coast, will offer this …


Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. plans to reorganize to a mutual holding company in an effort to give itself room to grow and increase access to investment capital. Edmund Kelly, president and CEO, told the Boston Herald: “In the long run, …