education liability News

Supreme Court Nixes Virginia School Board Appeal of Sex-Assault Case

FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear an appeal from a Virginia school board that says it shouldn’t be held liable for the alleged sexual assault of a student by a classmate on a band trip. …

Suit by 3 Students Alleges Harvard University Ignored Sexual Harassment

Three Harvard University graduate students said in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday that the Ivy League school for years ignored complaints about sexual harassment by a renowned professor and allowed him to intimidate students by threatening to hinder their careers. …

Maine College Settles with Female Coaches on Pay, Treatment

Attorneys for a Maine college and five female athletics coaches said Friday they have reached a settlement stemming from a lawsuit over fair pay and working conditions. Lawyers representing Colby College and the coaches released a joint statement that said …

Suit Accuses Brown University of Failing to Protect Women From Sexual Misconduct

Brown University has systematically and repeatedly failed to protect women from rape and other sexual misconduct, according to a federal class action lawsuit filed recently by four current and former female students. The suit, which was filed last Friday in …

Jury Awards $1.25 Million in University Harassment Case But Denies Retaliation Claim

A jury awarded $1.25 million to a former Columbia University finance professor whose senior colleague sent dozens of emails disparaging her to industry professionals after she lodged a harassment complaint against him. The verdict is a fraction of the $16 …

Jury Could Define University Liability in Sexual Harassment Trial

A federal jury will decide what really happened between a former junior finance professor and the tenured Columbia Business School staff member she said sexually harassed her — and whether the university did enough to protect her once she reported …

Judge Agrees to Hear Opponent of NCAA $75M Concussion Settlement

A U.S. judge declined to immediately approve the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s $75 million settlement of a lawsuit by college athletes who’ve suffered head injuries, giving a critic of the accord three weeks to file arguments opposing the revamped deal. …