Edward Snowden surveillance revelations News

Hackers Pose High Terror Threat to U.S., Says 9/11 Panel

The terrorist threat against the U.S. remains dangerous 10 years after the 9/11 Commission issued its first report — only now the risk is greater online. In a report issued last week, panel members who studied the 2001 attacks urged …

Snowden Leaks, NSA Activities Complicate Push for Cybersecurity Law

Senior U.S. officials on Wednesday sought to mend fences with the technology industry as they renewed their pleas for legislation to increase the flow of information about cyber attacks between federal agencies and private companies. A plan to protect companies …

U.S., China Agree to Restart Investment Treaty Talks

The United States and China have agreed to restart stalled negotiations on an investment treaty, with Beijing dropping previous efforts to protect certain sectors of its economy from the start. The agreement to resume negotiations was welcomed by the U.S. …