el nino forecast News

Active Atlantic Hurricane Season Looms – as Odds Drop of El Niño Formation

Forecasters again lowered the odds of El Niño forming by year’s end, a scenario that may mean more Atlantic hurricanes at a time when federal agencies charged with predicting and responding to natural disasters lack top administrators. The updated forecast, …

Full-Fledged El Nino Increasingly Likely in Second Half 2017

El Nino conditions are developing across the Pacific with an increasing probability that a full-fledged El Nino episode will occur during the second half of 2017. Pacific equatorial winds have slackened since the start of the year and a characteristic …

El Nino Now 85% Likely to Last Through Winter: U.S. Climate Forecasters

The odds that a weather-changing El Nino will last until the Northern Hemisphere’s next winter are increasing, though it’s too early to say if it will provide drought relief across California, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said. There is an …

Chance of El Nino Now Up to 70%, Says U.S. Climate Center

A U.S. government weather forecaster on Thursday raised its forecast for the chance of El Nino conditions during the Northern Hemisphere summer to 70 percent, up from a 60 percent chance last month, with a 60 percent chance it lasts …

Chance of El Nino Rises to 65% for Winter, Spring

The U.S. weather forecaster on Thursday projected a 65 percent chance of El Nino conditions during the Northern Hemisphere winter and into spring, up from a 58 percent chance predicted early in November. The Climate Prediction Center, an agency of …

Weak El Nino Could Still Happen Later This Year

A weak El Nino might still form in the next 30 to 60 days across the equatorial Pacific, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said. Sea surface temperatures in the region have been above- average through September. Changes to the atmosphere, …

El Niño Chances Lowered to 60%

A U.S. weather forecaster pegged the likelihood of the El Niño weather phenomenon occurring during the Northern Hemisphere autumn and winter at 60-65 percent in its monthly update on Thursday. The Climate Prediction Center (CPC), an agency of the National …